DHE-SURDS 'Degree File' Field Definitions |
Last Modified on August 14, 2013 |
Archived: 2011 2010 2009 2007 |
Field #/ Starting Position | Field Name | Field Definitions/Descriptions |
1/1 | RecordType | Definition: A flag that indicates which record type is being reported. Codes/Notes: 3 (Degrees Awarded) Missing Value: Does not apply; field must be completed. Edit Specs: Code must be 3. Format: numeric, 1 place integer |
2/2 | Institution Code | Definition: The unique code designations for Colorado postsecondary institutions. Codes/Notes: The number assigned to each higher education institution identifying an institution with a 4-digit institutional code. See Institution Code in Glossary. Missing Value: Does not apply; field must be completed. Edit Specs: Error if a value is reported that is not the code assigned to the reporting institution. Format: AlphaNumeric, 4 characters Updates: July 1987 |
3/6 | Report Period (Term and Year) | Definition: The enrollment period identified by the term and the year on which the data are based (TYYYY) Term (T): The term on which the data are based. Year (YYYY): The year in which the term occurs. When the term code is "9" which signifies the total report year, use 4 digits of the fiscal year of the report period. The fiscal year is derived by the following. If the term is =3, the fiscal year is the same as the report year. If the term is =2, the fiscal year equals the report year + 1. Private Degree Granting Institutions (Non-COF) - Do not use term code 8 or 9 on the file. Allocate the term codes 1-5 as appropriate for the timing of the term at your institution. If submitting a comma delimited file (CSV), Term and Year should be submitted as separate columns. |
4/11 | Student Identification Number | Definition: A number that uniquely identifies a student at an institution. Wherever possible, this should be the nine-digit social security number assigned to an individual under the Federal Insurance Contribution Act. If an individual's SSN is unknown, the institution should assign a unique number, using the following guidelines: If the Student Identification Number is assigned, the number should be used in all future reports by the institution for that student unless corrected or replaced by Social Security Number. Note: Use of an SSN is the only way DHE can track a student for retention and graduation analyses across institutions. If an individual's social security number is not available for use by an institution, the institution may report any student identification number up to 9 characters that is unique for that student. Note: Hyphens are not entered as part of the identification number. Private Degree Granting Institutions (Non-COF) - While SSN is not required, it is the only field that can link data from other institutions. For participation in any transfer studies (to/from), SSN is required. Missing Value: Does not apply; field must be completed.Edit Specs: Error if blank. If Student Identification Type is 0 or blank, error if value contains alpha characters or the last 6 digits are all zeroes or is < 000000100 or >= 800000000—This edit to be implemented with submissions for FY04 and modified to 900000000+ (vs 800000000+) December 2011. Format: AlphaNumeric, 9-place integer Updates: July 1988; edit specs modified July 2003; Dec 2011 - changed upper limit from 800000000; |
5/20 | Gender | Definition: The gender of the individual. Codes/Notes: 1 - Male 2 - Female Formerly identified as sex. Because IPEDS surveys do not provide an unknown gender option, DHE-generated IPEDS facsimiles are based on the following procedure, implemented March 2002 with the Fall 2001Enrollment File and FY2002 Degree File uploaded to NCES. Students whose ID ends with an even digit will be reported to NCES as male; students with an ID that ends with an odd number will be reported as female. Missing Value: Blank, if unknown. Edit Specs: Error if not blank or not = '1' or '2'. Format: Numeric, 1 place integer Updates: October 31, 1985; modified IPEDS proration methodology, March 2002. |
6/21 | Date of Birth | Definition: The date of birth as designated on the individual's legal birth registration or certificate. Codes/Notes: YYYYMMDD YYYY = four-digit year of birth MM = two-digit month of birth DD = two-digit day of birth This field is used to compute a student's age. The Commission computes a student's age for students enrolled in the summer and fall terms as of September 15, and for those enrolled in the winter and spring terms as of February 15. If the student is born on either September 15 or February 15, age is determined by subtracting the year of birth from the report year. Any birth dates before the 15th are calculated by subtracting the year of birth from the report year. Any birth dates after the 15th are calculated by subtracting the year of birth from the report year and then subtracting 1 from that difference. Missing Value: Blank, if unknown. Edit Specs: Error if computed age is negative or if >110 Warning if computed age is < 14 or > 90 Format: Numeric, 8 place integer Updates: Expanded to four-digit format, year 2000 file conversions, September 1998. |
7/29 | Race/Ethnicity | Definition: The race/ethnic group to which an individual appears to belong, identifies with, or is regarded in the community as belonging. In addition, non-resident aliens, i.e., those members of the aforementioned groups who have not been admitted to the United States for permanent residence, should be separately identified as a sixth category; the non-resident aliens are not separately requested by racial/ethnic group.
THIS FIELD WILL BE PHASED OUT IN FALL 2010 - ONLY BLANKS WILL BE ACCEPTED Codes/Notes: 1 - Non-Resident Alien 2 - Black, non-Hispanic 3 - American Indian or Alaskan Native 4 - Asian or Pacific Islander 5 - Hispanic 6 - White, non-Hispanic Missing Value: Blank, if unknown. Edit Specs: Error if > 6. Format: Numeric, 1 place integer Updates: June 1996; modified edits related to tuition classification, July 2002. |
8/30 | Filler | Pad with 2 spaces |
9/32 | Tuition Classification | Definition: Classification of student for the purpose of tuition assessment. Institutions must be in compliance with DHE’s FTE Reporting Guidelines and Procedures implemented for FY2003. Also see page on Tuition Classification—Detail. Private Degree Granting Institutions (Non-COF) - Submit code "3" in this field for all student data. Missing Value: Does not apply; field must be completed. |
10/33 | Program Code | Definition: The program code that identifies the student's stated program at the time of the data report, where program code is defined as the assigned classification of instructional program code associated with the approved program. Private Degree Granting Institutions (Non-COF) - CIP Code submitted should match the list of programs offered submitted to DHE. Use template available in Documentation to send list of programs offered to DHE. |
11/39 | Program Sequence Number | Definition: The assigned sequence number that will differentiate programs classified by the same CIP code at an institution. Codes/Notes: Formerly called Major Sequence Number. For the majority of programs this field will be blank since the sequence number is assigned only to a small number of programs. Refer to the list of operating postsecondary programs for valid CIP codes and sequence numbers approved for an institution. Please contact the Commission Office for the most recent copy of this list. Where the major sequence is required, the number should be reported in 2 digit format (i.e. 02, 03, etc.) Missing Value: Blank, if not applicable. Edit Specs: Error if the Program Code and Program Sequence Number do not match the approved program list. Format: Numeric, 2 characters Updates: December 1989 |
12/41 | Degree Level | Definition: The level of degree/diploma/certificate conferred by the institution upon the student for the successful completion of a program. |
13/43 | Filler | Pad with 1 spaces If submitting a comma delimited file (CSV), leave a column blank to adjust for this field. |
14/44 | Filler | Pad with 4 spaces If submitting a comma delimited file (CSV), leave a column blank to adjust for this field. |
15/48 | Student Identification Number Type | Definition: The indicator to classify the Student Identification Number as believed to be either a social security number or a institutional-assigned identification number.
Codes/Notes: 0 – Indicates that the Student Identification Number is believed to be a social security number 1 – Indicates that the Student Identification Number is NOT a social security number. Missing Value: Not acceptable Edit Specs: Must be "0" or "1" Format: Numeric, 1 place integer Updates: |
16/49 | Tuition Classification Detail | Definition:
Codes/Notes: Codes 0 – 2 for use in FY2004; codes 3 and higher to be mandatory (if applicable) in FY2005.
(2) DHE-Approved Reciprocity Agreements. C.R.S. 23 1 112 allows students participating in this program to be claimed by Colorado institutions for state general fund, up to the maximum number of FTE allocated to the institution by DHE. Colorado has approved reciprocity agreements with New Mexico and Utah in SURDS files. Report student as in-state in SURDS files. (3) U.S. Armed Forces and Their Dependents. C.R.S. 23 7 103(1)(c)(I) and (II) allows U.S. military personnel and dependents to be granted in-state tuition status, prior to having been domiciled in Colorado for twelve continuous months, upon moving to Colorado on a permanent change-of-station basis, for courses that are not taken on military bases. Credits generated in off-base courses may be reported for FTE general fund support, but these credit hours must be separately identified in the End of Year FTE Report. Report student as in-state in SURDS files. (4) Canadian Military Personnel and Their Dependents. C.R.S. 23-7-106 provides that any member of the military forces of Canada stationed in Colorado, or the dependent of any such member, shall receive in-state tuition status at any institution of higher education in this state. No member of the Canadian military shall be deemed to be stationed in this state unless he maintains a full-time principal residence in this state. In- state tuition status for Canadian military personnel or their dependents shall terminate at the conclusion of the current quarter or semester upon transfer to any station outside this state. Report student as out-of-state in SURDS files. (5) Olympic Training Center Athletes. C.R.S. 23-7-105 allows athletes living in Colorado Springs and training at the Olympic Training Center, or at a facility in Colorado Springs approved by the Olympic governing board to be considered in-state students for the purposes of assessing tuition and generating FTE reimbursable credits at any state-supported institution of higher education. Report student as in-state in SURDS files. (6) Chinese and Russian students in Graduate Public Policy Programs. C.R.S. 23-7-107 allows students from The Commonwealth of Independent States (Russia) and the People's Republic of China in graduate public policy programs to be allowed to receive in-state tuition. However, these students may not be counted as resident students for any purpose other than tuition classification. Report student as out-of-state in SURDS files. (7) WICHE Regional Graduate Program. C.R.S. 23-1-108(10) allows postgraduate or professional students participating in this program to be claimed by Colorado institutions as in-state students for the purposes of assessing tuition, enrollment reporting, and budgetary reporting. Report student as in-state in SURDS files. (8) WICHE Undergraduate Exchange Program (WUE). Students participating in the WUE program are assessed 150% of the in-state tuition rate of the Colorado institution. The enrollment in the WICHE undergraduate program is not reportable for state general fund. Report student as out-of-state in SURDS files. (9) Colorado Educational Exchange Program. C.R.S. 23 3.3-601 allows students to be reported as in-state students for the purposes of assessing tuition, enrollment reporting, and budgetary reporting. The institution must be approved by DHE to participate in the Colorado Educational Exchange Program. No student may be a recipient or participant for more than one year. Report student as in-state in SURDS files. (A) No verification of lawful presence. Title 24-76.5-101-103; In-state resident charged out-of-state tuition based on no verification of lawful presence (B) Economic Development. HB07-1256 Grants in-state status to employees and employee's children (NOT spouses) if employee moved to Colorado as the result of the employer's moving "all or a portion of its operations to Colorado as a result of receiving an incentive from the Colorado Office of Economic Development or an incentive from a local government economic incentive program. Effective August 8, 2007 (C) Faculty Dependent. HB07-1256 Grants in-state tuition to the child of a new faculty member (but NOT to the faculty member or spouse) at "a state-supported institution of higher education." Effective August 8, 2007 (D) Honorably Discharged Veterans. H.B. 09-1039; Beginning with the fall semester of FY 2009-10, this legislation requires that state institutions of higher education charge resident tuition rates to honorably discharged veterans. State institutions of higher education may also extend the resident rate to spouses and dependents of veterans. Missing Value: Blank not acceptable. Edit Specs: Error if value >2 for FY04; error if value >9 for FY05. Race/ethnicity must be non-resident alien if tuition classification-detail = 1 and tuition classification = 1. Error if tuition classification-detail greater than 0 and tuition classification = 2 or 3. Format: Numeric, 1 place integer Updates: |
17/50 | Major Order | Definition: New field for FY2009. This field describes the Program Code (field 10). For students receiving a degree with a double major, this field specifies the primary program code for the submitted degree level. When multiple rows are submitted to describe double (or more) majors, the field value should designate the order of precedence. For example, if a student is receiving one BA degree with multiple majors, one row per major will be submitted. The row containing the primary major should contain a field value “1” and the remaining rows should designate “2”, “3”, “4”... Deciding what is the primary major is up to the institution. For students receiving separate degrees (two or more diplomas) at the same degree level, such as a B.S. and a B.F.A., this field should be blank or "1" for both rows. |
Non-Resident Alien |
Definition:A flag that indicates whether the student is not a citizen or national of the United States and who is in this country on a visa or temporary basis and does not have the right to remain indefinitely. Codes/Notes: This is a yes/no field signifying the selection of this category. “1” specifies a “yes” response and “0” specifies a “no” response (or not completed) Updates: Added – December 2009, Required beginning in Summer 2010; Modified Nov 2012 to conform to IPEDS definitions. http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/glossary/?charindex=N |
Ethnicity Hispanic/Latino |
Definition: A flag that indicates whether a student specified this ethnicity as describing themselves. This field will be available for FY 2010 and is required beginning on FY 2011 submission. If your institution populates this field in FY 2010, you must also populate the old format race/ethnicity field as well. Updates: Added – December 2009; |
Race Native American or Alaska Native |
Definition: A flag that indicates whether a student specified this race as describing themselves. This field will be available for FY 2010 and is required beginning on FY 2011 submission. If your institution populates this field in FY 2010, you must also populate the old format race/ethnicity field as well. Updates: Added – December 2009; |
Race Asian |
Definition: A flag that indicates whether a student specified this race as describing themselves. This field will be available for FY 2010 and is required beginning on FY 2011 submission. If your institution populates this field in FY 2010, you must also populate the old format race/ethnicity field as well. Updates: Added – December 2009; |
Race Black or African American |
Definition: A flag that indicates whether a student specified this race as describing themselves. This field will be available for FY 2010 and is required beginning on FY 2011 submission. If your institution populates this field in FY 2010, you must also populate the old format race/ethnicity field as well. Updates: Added – December 2009; |
Race Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
Definition: A flag that indicates whether a student specified this race as describing themselves. This field will be available for FY 2010 and is required beginning on FY 2011 submission. If your institution populates this field in FY 2010, you must also populate the old format race/ethnicity field as well. Updates: Added – December 2009; |
Race White |
Definition: A flag that indicates whether a student specified this race as describing themselves. This field will be available for FY 2010 and is required beginning on FY 2011 submission. If your institution populates this field in FY 2010, you must also populate the old format race/ethnicity field as well. Updates: Added – December 2009; |
25/58 | Institutional Assigned Student ID Number | Definition: A number that uniquely identifies a student at an institution. This number is assigned by the institution and is typically used in place of the Social Security Number. Note: Hyphens are not entered as part of the identification number. Missing Value: Optional use determined by institution Edit Specs: None Format: Alphanumeric, 9-place character or less Updates: July 2012 - New |
26/68 | Reverse Transfer | Definition: For degrees resulting from a reverse transfer, identifies the 4-year institution code of the notifying institution where the awarding student was last enrolled based on requirements specified in SB-12-045. This is only to be used by two-year institutions and four-year institutions offering Associates degrees (ASC,CMU). Missing Value: Blank if not applicable Edit Specs: Format: Alphanumeric, 4 characters Updates: July 2012 - New |