DHE-SURDS 'Educator Preparation File' Field Definitions |
Last Modified on August 19, 2013 |
Archived: Oct 2012 July 2011 June 2010 Jan 2009 |
Field # /Starting Position | Field Name | Field Definitions/Descriptions | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1/1 | RecordType | Definition: A flag that indicates which record type is being reported. Codes/Notes: 6 (Education Preparation file) Missing Value: Does not apply; field must be completed. Edit Specs: Code must be 6. Format: numeric, 1 place integer |
2/2 | Institution Code | Definition: The unique code designations for Colorado postsecondary institutions. Codes/Notes: The number assigned to each higher education institution identifying an institution with a 4-digit institutional code. See Institution Code in Glossary. Missing Value: Does not apply; field must be completed. Edit Specs: Error if a value is reported that is not the code assigned to the reporting institution. Format: AlphaNumeric, 4 characters Updates: July 1987 |
3/6 | Report Year | Definition: The enrollment period identified by the term and the year on which the data are based (TYYYY) Term (T): The term on which the data are based. Year (YYYY): The year in which the term occurs. When the term code is "9" which signifies the total report year, use 4 digits of the fiscal year of the report period. The fiscal year is derived by the following. If the term is =3, the fiscal year is the same as the report year. If the term is =2, the fiscal year equals the report year + 1. Codes/Notes: 1 - Summer 2 - Fall 3 - Winter (only for institutions on a quarter system) 4 - Spring 5 - Interim Examples: Fiscal Year 2002-03 Summer 02 12002 Fall 02 22002 Winter 03 32003 (Institutions on quarter system only) Spring 03 42003 Interim 03 52003 Beginning in 1991, report period indicated by term, rather than end of year. For Education Preparation FILE: Report period should be by term, beginning with summer and continuing through the following fall and spring terms. Term 9 is not valid for this file. Missing Value: Does not apply; field must be completed. Edit Specs: Error if term value is < 1 or >5. Error if year value does not represent current reporting year. Format: Numeric, 5 place integer (TYYYY) Updates: Expanded to four-digit format, year 2000 file conversions. |
4/11 | Gender | Definition: The gender of the individual. Codes/Notes: 1 - Male 2 - Female Formerly identified as sex. Because IPEDS surveys do not provide an unknown gender option, DHE-generated IPEDS facsimiles are based on the following procedure, implemented March 2002 with the Fall 2001Enrollment File and FY2002 Degree File uploaded to NCES. Students whose ID ends with an even digit will be reported to NCES as male; students with an ID that ends with an odd number will be reported as female. Missing Value: Blank, if unknown. Edit Specs: Error if not blank or not = '1' or '2'. Format: Numeric, 1 place integer Updates: October 31, 1985; modified IPEDS proration methodology, March 2002. |
5/12 | Date of Birth | Definition: The date of birth as designated on the individual's legal birth registration or certificate. Codes/Notes: YYYYMMDD YYYY = four-digit year of birth MM = two-digit month of birth DD = two-digit day of birth This field is used to compute a student's age. The Commission computes a student's age for students enrolled in the summer and fall terms as of September 15, and for those enrolled in the winter and spring terms as of February 15. If the student is born on either September 15 or February 15, age is determined by subtracting the year of birth from the report year. Any birth dates before the 15th are calculated by subtracting the year of birth from the report year. Any birth dates after the 15th are calculated by subtracting the year of birth from the report year and then subtracting 1 from that difference. FOR FULL YEAR Education Preparation FILE, Feb 15 of submit year is used as the age calc date. Missing Value: Blank, if unknown. Edit Specs: Error if computed age is negative or if >110 Warning if computed age is < 14 or > 90 Format: Numeric, 8 place integer Updates: Expanded to four-digit format, year 2000 file conversions, September 1998. |
7/21 | Student Identification Number | Definition: A number that uniquely identifies a student at an institution. Wherever possible, this should be the nine-digit social security number assigned to an individual under the Federal Insurance Contribution Act. If an individual's SSN is unknown, the institution should assign a unique number, using the following guidelines: If the Student Identification Number is assigned, the number should be used in all future reports by the institution for that student unless corrected or replaced by Social Security Number. Note: Use of an SSN is the only way DHE can track a student in the state longitudinal data system. If an individual's social security number is not available for use by an institution, the institution may report any student identification number up to 9 characters that is unique for that student. Note: Hyphens are not entered as part of the identification number. Missing Value: Does not apply; field must be completed. Edit Specs: If Student Identification Type is 0 or blank, error if value contains alpha characters or the last 6 digits are all zeroes. SSN’s are needed if recipent is getting need-based or federal aid. Institutional assigned numbers can not be used in this case. Format: AlphaNumeric, 9-place integer Updates: July 1988; edit specs modified July 2003 |
8/30 | Student Identification Number Type | Definition: The indicator to classify the Student Identification Number as believed to be either a social security number or a institutional-assigned identification number.
Codes/Notes: 0 – Indicates that the Student Identification Number is believed to be a social security number 1 – Indicates that the Student Identification Number is NOT a social security number. Missing Value: Not acceptable Edit Specs: Format: Numeric, 1 place integer Updates: |
9/31 | Student Level | Definition: The level at which a student is classified during the term which is being reported, based upon the total credits obtained toward completion of a degree/certificate program. Codes/Notes: Educator preparation candidates are usually enrolled in a baccalaureate or graduate degree, but not always. Candidates who hold a bachelor’s degree and are completing educator preparation coursework that does NOT lead to a degree, are considered “post-baccalaureate” or “post-bacc” and should be coded as “20.” Students are classified as undergraduate or graduate based on the number of credits completed as of the beginning of the term. Within those categories, students can be classified as degree/certificate-seeking or non-degree seeking. See Glossary for description of each level. UNDERGRADUATE: Degree-Seeking 11 - First Year (freshman) 12 - Second Year (sophomore) 13 - Third Year (junior) 14 - Fourth Year & Beyond (senior) 15 - Unclassified 16 - Certificate with a Bachelor’s Non-Degree-Seeking 19 - Non Degree-Seeking Undergraduate Students Without a Bachelor's Degree 20 - Non Degree-Seeking Students With a Bachelor's Degree-- (should include post-baccalaureate students pursuing educator preparation endorsement) GRADUATE: 31 - Master’s 33 - Specialist (Example - Ed.S.) 34 - Certificate with a Master’s 39 - Non-Degree-Seeking Graduate Students With a Bachelor's Degree-- 52 - Doctoral - Research/Scholarship (New Dec 2009) 53 - Doctoral - Professional Practice (New Dec 2009) 54 - Doctoral - Other (New Dec 2009) (Explanation required) Students reported in the IPEDS Graduation Rate Survey and DHE’s Quality Indicator System cohorts must meet three criteria: be reported as first-time, full-time, and degree-seeking. - First-time is based on the Registration Status field and requires a code of 1. - Full-time classification is derived from the sum of three credit hour fields (resident instruction + ESP + other); vocational hours are included in RI or other credit hours) and the total must be at least 12 credit hours. - The degree-seeking criterion is based on the Student Level field and requires a student be reported with either code 11, 12, 13, 14, or 15, acknowledging college credit earned for work done during high school through concurrent enrollment and/or AP/IB. Students reported with a student level of 33 should be coded with a program type = 8. Codes 16 and 34 valid only for Enrollment and Financial Aid Files, not for Education Preparation File. Missing Value: Does not apply; field must be completed. Edit Specs: Error if not a valid code; codes 16 and 34 valid only for Regis University’s Enrollment and Financial Aid Files.For 2 year programs, only 11, 12, 15, 19, and 20 are valid. Format: Numeric, 2 place integer Updates: December 1989; removed code for Extended Studies Program, June 1991; added cumulative credit hour range verification with student level, June 1996; reconfigured structure, added codes 16, 20, 33, and 34, and deleted codes 35 and 36, July 2002; Dec 2009 replaced code 21, 32 with 52,53,54; Updated 5/10/2013 to allow for non-degree codes in educator preparation; Updated 8/16/2013 to remove Regis only references for codes 16 & 34 and to clarify code 20; |
10/33 | Degree Program CIP Code | Definition:The degree program code that identifies the student's stated degree program at the time of the data report, where degree program code is defined as the assigned classification of instructional program code associated with the approved degree program. Codes/Notes: Formerly called major. The six-digit Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) code that identifies the specific field of study the individual is enrolled in. For the Degrees File, refer to the list of operating postsecondary programs for valid CIP codes approved for an institution. This list is different from the Approved Postsecondary Degree Publication and includes programs still eligible to report degrees during phase-out cycle. The institutional data contact person at each institution has the most recent copy of this list or you may request a correct copy of the list from the Commission. For the Undergraduate Applicant File and Enrollment File, students whose major is undeclared should be reported as '999999'. This code is invalid on the Degrees Granted file. For students accepted in a undergraduate degree program or program area but whose specific major is undeclared, (e.g. Engineering), an institution may identify majors by the use of '99' plus the first 4 digits of program area. (e.g. Engineering: 991401) The institution must offer the specific program at the baccalaureate level in order to report these discipline areas (e.g. cannot report pre-law since no undergraduate law program offered, cannot report pre-pharmacy if no pharmacy program is available on campus). If the student anticipates transferring into a program at another institution, this student must be reported in the liberal arts program, if offered, or as undeclared. The program area reported in this field will be the primary program unit of analysis for federal reports, enrollment projections, and standard Commission reports. Missing Value: Blank, only if non-degree seeking student. Edit Specs: Error if code reported is not found in the list of DHE approved programs for the reporting institution. Format: Alphanumeric, 6 integers Updates: December 1989; August 2012 - updated language to specify that CIP is the degree program code |
11/39 | Endorsement Area | Definition: The Educator Preparation endorsement program in which the candidate is enrolled. Candidates may be enrolled in more than one endorsement program. Codes/Notes: If students are enrolled in more than one endorsement program then they need to be shown as one record for each endorsement. Also, the “Educator Preparation File” is not just for “teacher endorsements.” It is for ANY program that qualifies an individual for any endorsement on a license to work in a P-12 school, like principals, librarians, etc. If you are unsure what endorsement programs your institution is approved to offer, see the “List of Endorsement Codes by Institution” link below. Note that some endorsement programs are for initial licensure only, some are for add-on only (the candidate already has or is working on an endorsement for an initial license), and the others can be for either initial or add-on. (Administrator and Principal are “initial” only because even though most of these candidates are teachers, they are all getting an Administrator or Principal endorsement for the first time.) This last note does not matter for this file, but just to let you know, the numbers in parentheses indicate where to find endorsement requirements in the Rules for the Administration of the Educator Licensing Act of 1991—CDE and DHE use these numbers to prevent confusion because many of the endorsement areas have similar names.
For 2012 - Effective with files submitted September 2012, the following endorsements will no longer be reported in the Educator Preparation File because there is no reliable way to predict which of the candidates in these programs will go on to work in a K-12 setting: Audiologist, School Counselor, School Nurse, School Physical Therapist, School Occupational Therapist, Orientation and Mobility Specialist, School Psychologist, School Social Worker and Speech/Language Pathologist. In the cases where completers of these endorsements do go on to work in schools, DHE will still be able to link them to the institution that prepared them using the Enrollment and Degree Files in SURDS. These two files will also allow DHE to pull those educators who completed an education-related degree that was not paired with any endorsement, such as for professional development, moving up on their district’s salary scale, etc.
12/41 | Term GPA | Definition: Grade point average (GPA) that will be recorded in students' transcript for the current term at the reporting institution, computed at the end of the reported term. Based on a four point system. Codes/Notes: The grade point average should be reported on a four-point scale where the highest score equals 4 and 0 is the lowest. Report three decimal positions as shown in the format. Convert grade point averages that were not reported on a four point scale to a scale equivalent to: 4 - A 3 - B 2 - C 1 - D 0 - F with 4.00 the highest possible GPA and 0.0 the lowest. To convert a GPA:
Conversions for a GPA based on a scaling system other than above are left to the discretion of each institution. The only requirement is that the institution converts the grades to a four point system in a consistent manner. Missing Value: Blank, if unknown. Edit Specs: - Error if < 0 or > 4.00. - Warning if field is 0. Format: Numeric, 1 place integer plus 3 place decimal (9V999) (decimal point is implied) Updates: Required missing GPA to be a blank, not zero, March 1998 |
13/45 | Institutional Assigned Student ID Number | Definition: A number that uniquely identifies a student at an institution. This number is assigned by the institution and is typically used in place of the Social Security Number. Note: Hyphens are not entered as part of the identification number. Missing Value: Optional use determined by institution Edit Specs: Alphanumeric, 9 place integer or less. Format: Alphanumeric, 9-place integer or less Updates: July 1988; edit specs modified July 2003, December 2004, February 2005 and March 2005. |
Non-Resident Alien |
Definition:A flag that indicates whether the student is not a citizen or national of the United States and who is in this country on a visa or temporary basis and does not have the right to remain indefinitely. Codes/Notes: This is a yes/no field signifying the selection of this category. “1” specifies a “yes” response and “0” specifies a “no” response (or not completed) Updates: Added – December 2009, Required beginning in Summer 2010; Modified Nov 2012 to conform to IPEDS definitions. http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/glossary/?charindex=N |
Ethnicity Hispanic/Latino |
Definition: A flag that indicates whether a student specified this ethnicity as describing themselves. This field will be required beginning on FY 2011 submission. Updates: Added – December 2009; |
Race Native American or Alaska Native |
Definition: A flag that indicates whether a student specified this race as describing themselves. This field will be required beginning on FY 2011 submission. Updates: Added – December 2009; |
Race Asian |
Definition: A flag that indicates whether a student specified this race as describing themselves. This field will be required beginning on FY 2011 submission. Updates: Added – December 2009; |
Race Black or African American |
Definition: A flag that indicates whether a student specified this race as describing themselves. This field will be required beginning on FY 2011 submission. Updates: Added – December 2009; |
Race Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
Definition: A flag that indicates whether a student specified this race as describing themselves. This field will be required beginning on FY 2011 submission. Updates: Added – December 2009; |
Race White |
Definition: A flag that indicates whether a student specified this race as describing themselves. This field will be required beginning on FY 2011 submission. Updates: Added – December 2009; |
21/61 | Enrolled in an Alternative Certification Program & Your Institution is a “Designated Agency” | Definition:Was the candidate enrolled in your institution’s alternative certification program? (applies only to institutions that are “designated agencies:” CCU, MSUD, UCCS, UCD, WSCU).
Edit Specs: Updates: Added – July 2011; Added CSU-Pueblo & DU - Feb 2012; Removed CSU-Pueblo, DU & Regis – Sept 2012; Added UCD – Sept 2012; Removed Regis - May 2013; |
22/62 | Institutional Recommendation for Licensure/Endorsement | Definition:Did the candidate complete the licensure/endorsement program requirements and was the candidate eligible to receive an institutional recommendation for licensure/endorsement? This does not require that the candidate actually received an Institutional Recommendation, just that the candidate was eligible to receive it. Also, it is possible for a candidate enrolled in a master’s degree, for instance, that is paired with an endorsement program, to complete the requirements of the endorsement program portion (and be eligible for an Institutional Recommendation) but not complete the master’s degree—this candidate should still be reported as a “1” in this field. Also, report a “1” in this field whether or not your institution is responsible for signing the Institutional Recommendation. For instance, if the candidate is enrolled in your institution’s alternative educator preparation program that is offered in collaboration with a school district, BOCES, or private/non-profit organization where the district, BOCES, or private/non-profit is the “designated agency” that signs off on Institutional Recommendations, you should still add a “1” in this field. Updates: Added – July 2011; Updated August 2012:This field is a proxy for “program completer.” At the August 10, 2012 DAG meeting it was decided not to change this field to bring this definition of “completer” in line with the federal Title II definition, which prohibits use of passage of the state content tests (PLACE or Praxis II) as criteria for having met all program requirements. Instead, CDE and DHE will follow up with USDOE Title II folks to see if they can change their definition to match this. Also, when it comes to state reporting requirements on the effectiveness of educator preparation programs [per C.R.S. 23-1-121(6)], if you code a candidate as “1” in Field 22 (Completer) then you are claiming that individual as a completer of your program for future program effectiveness analyses. |
23/63 | Initial Licensure or Add-On Endorsement | Definition: Was the student who completed all the program requirements in Field 22 in an initial licensure or add-on endorsement program? “Initial licensure program” means an endorsement program that is preparing someone to be an educator who has never held an educator license previously. “Add-on” endorsement program means an endorsement program that was completed at the same time as an initial program or after an initial program-- that is the candidate was working towards initial licensure in one endorsement and an add-on endorsement simultaneously (such as an initial licensure program in Elementary Education and is adding onto that an endorsement in Special Education Generalist) or the candidate was an already licensed teacher coming back for an additional endorsement. This field is only for those candidates who received a “1” in Field 22, that is they completed the requirements of the endorsement program. “1” specifies that the student – program data for this row of the file represent an initial licensure program and Also, just to try and prevent confusion, a “license” is the initial piece of paper that someone gets to be an educator (teacher, principal, etc.). The “endorsement” is a stamp on the license to be a certain type of teacher. So, for instance, a candidate who has never been a teacher before and completes both Science (8.17) and Culturally & Linguistically Diverse (8.23) gets a CDE teaching license with the endorsements “Secondary Science” (which would be the initial endorsement) and “Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Education,” (which would be the add-on endorsement) which would allow that person to teach high school science and also work with students who don’t speak English as their first language. A veteran teacher who completes your institution’s Principal (3.03) preparation program, gets their initial Principal License, which is different than a teaching license.
Once Juanita completes the requirements for institutional recommendation for her additional endorsement in reading, the report becomes: