DHE-SURDS 'UAF File' Field Definitions
Last Modified on October 17, 2013
Archived: July 2012 Dec 2011 Jun 2010 Sep 2008 July 2008 Jan 2007
Field # /Starting Position Field Name Field Definitions/Descriptions
1/1 RecordType Definition: A flag that indicates which record type is being reported.

Codes/Notes: 2 (UAF file)

Missing Value: Does not apply; field must be completed.

Edit Specs: Code must be 2.

Format: numeric, 1 place integer
2/2 Institution Code Definition: The unique code designations for Colorado postsecondary institutions.

Codes/Notes: The number assigned to each higher education institution identifying an institution with a 4-digit institutional code. See Institution Code in Glossary.

Missing Value: Does not apply; field must be completed.

Edit Specs: Error if a value is reported that is not the code assigned to the reporting institution.

Format: AlphaNumeric, 4 characters

Updates: July 1987
3/6 Report Year Definition: The enrollment period identified by the term and the year on which the data are based (TYYYY)

Term (T): The term on which the data are based.

Year (YYYY): The year in which the term occurs. When the term code is "9" which signifies the total report year, use 4 digits of the fiscal year of the report period. The fiscal year is derived by the following. If the term is =3, the fiscal year is the same as the report year. If the term is =2, the fiscal year equals the report year + 1.

If submitting a comma delimited file (CSV), Term and Year should be submitted as separate columns.

1 - Summer
2 - Fall
3 - Winter (only for institutions on a quarter system)
4 - Spring
5 - Interim

Fiscal Year 2002-03

Summer 02 12002
Fall 02 22002
Winter 03 32003 (Institutions on quarter system only)
Spring 03 42003
Interim 03 52003
Beginning in 1991, report period indicated by term, rather than end of year.

Missing Value: Does not apply; field must be completed.

Edit Specs:
Error if term value is < 1 or >5.
Error if year value does not represent current reporting year.
Error if term value <> 9 followed by the 2nd year of the fiscal year.

Format: Numeric, 5 place integer (TYYYY)

Updates: Expanded to four-digit format, year 2000 file conversions.

4/11 Student Identification Number Definition: A number that uniquely identifies a student at an institution. Wherever possible, this should be the nine digit social security number assigned to an individual under the Federal Insurance Contribution Act. Social Security rules currently exclude use of numbers that are < 000000100 or >= 800000000

Codes/Notes: If the Student Identification Number is assigned, the number should be used in all future reports by the institution for that student unless corrected or replaced by Social Security Number. Note: Use of an SSN is the only way DHE can track a student for retention and graduation analyses across institutions.

If an individual's social security number is not available for use by an institution, the institution may report any student identification number up to 9 characters that is unique for that student. The institution also must report the Student Identification Type as “1,” indicating that this number is not a Social Security Number.

Note: Hyphens are not entered as part of the identification number.

Missing Value: Does not apply; field must be completed.

Edit Specs: Error if blank.
If Student Identification Type is 0 or blank, error if value contains alpha characters or the last 6 digits are all zeroes or is < 000000100 or >= 800000000—This edit to be implemented with submissions for FY04 and modified to 900000000+ (vs 800000000+) December 2011.

Format: AlphaNumeric, 9-place integer

Updates: July 1988; edit specs modified July 2003; Dec 2011 - changed upper limit from 800000000;
5/20 Gender Definition: The gender of the individual.

1 - Male
2 - Female

Formerly identified as sex.

Because IPEDS surveys do not provide an unknown gender option, DHE-generated IPEDS facsimiles are based on the following procedure, implemented March 2002 with the Fall 2001Enrollment File and FY2002 Degree File uploaded to NCES. Students whose ID ends with an even digit will be reported to NCES as male; students with an ID that ends with an odd number will be reported as female.

Missing Value: Blank, if unknown.

Edit Specs: Error if not blank or not = '1' or '2'.

Format: Numeric, 1 place integer

Updates: October 31, 1985; modified IPEDS proration methodology, March 2002.
6/21 Date of Birth Definition: The date of birth as designated on the individual's legal birth registration or certificate.

Codes/Notes: YYYYMMDD

YYYY = four-digit year of birth
MM = two-digit month of birth
DD = two-digit day of birth

This field is used to compute a student's age. The Commission computes a student's age for students enrolled in the summer and fall terms as of September 15, and for those enrolled in the winter and spring terms as of February 15. If the student is born on either September 15 or February 15, age is determined by subtracting the year of birth from the report year. Any birth dates before the 15th are calculated by subtracting the year of birth from the report year. Any birth dates after the 15th are calculated by subtracting the year of birth from the report year and then subtracting 1 from that difference.

Missing Value: Blank, if unknown.

Edit Specs: Error if computed age is negative or if >110
Warning if computed age is < 14 or > 90

Format: Numeric, 8 place integer

Updates: Expanded to four-digit format, year 2000 file conversions, September 1998.
7/29 Race/Ethnicity Definition: The race/ethnic group to which an individual appears to belong, identifies with, or is regarded in the community as belonging. In addition, non-resident aliens, i.e., those members of the aforementioned groups who have not been admitted to the United States for permanent residence, should be separately identified as a sixth category; the non-resident aliens are not separately requested by racial/ethnic group.


1 - Non-Resident Alien
2 - Black, non-Hispanic
3 - American Indian or Alaskan Native
4 - Asian or Pacific Islander
5 - Hispanic
6 - White, non-Hispanic

Missing Value: Blank, if unknown.

Edit Specs:Error if > 6.

Format: Numeric, 1 place integer

Updates: June 1996; modified edits related to tuition classification, July 2002.
8/30 Student Level Definition: The level at which a student is classified during the term which is being reported, based upon the total credits obtained toward completion of a degree/certificate program.

Students are classified as undergraduate or graduate based on the number of credits completed as of the beginning of the term. Within those categories, students can be classified as degree/certificate-seeking or non-degree seeking. See Glossary for description of each level.

11 - First Year (freshman)
12 - Second Year (sophomore)
13 - Third Year (junior)
14 - Fourth Year & Beyond (senior)
15 - Unclassified
16 - Certificate with a Bachelor’s (Regis Univ only)

19 - Non Degree-Seeking Undergraduate Students Without a Bachelor's Degree
20 - Non Degree-Seeking Undergraduate Students With a Bachelor's Degree--categorized by institution as an undergraduate student (can include post-baccalaureate students pursuing initial teacher licensure only)

21 - First Professional Degree-Seeking Removed Dec 2009
31 - Master’s
32 - Doctoral Removed Dec 2009
33 - Specialist
34 - Certificate with a Master’s (Regis University only)
39 - Non-Degree-Seeking Graduate Students With a Bachelor's Degree--categorized by institution as a graduate student (can include post-baccalaureate students pursuing initial teacher licensure only)
52 - Doctoral - Research/Scholarship (New Dec 2009)
53 - Doctoral - Professional Practice (New Dec 2009)
54 - Doctoral - Other (New Dec 2009) (Explanation required)

Students reported in the IPEDS Graduation Rate Survey and DHE’s Quality Indicator System cohorts must meet three criteria:
be reported as first-time, full-time, and degree-seeking.
- First-time is based on the Registration Status field and requires a code of 1. - Full-time classification is derived from the sum of three credit hour fields (resident instruction + ESP + other); vocational hours are included in RI or other credit hours) and the total must be at least 12 credit hours. - The degree-seeking criterion is based on the Student Level field and requires a student be reported with either code 11, 12, 13, 14, or 15, acknowledging college credit earned for work done during high school through concurrent enrollment and/or AP/IB.

Students reported with a student level of 33 should be coded with a program type = 8.

Codes 16 and 34 valid only for Enrollment and Financial Aid Files, not for Teacher Education File.

Missing Value: Does not apply; field must be completed.

Edit Specs:
- Error if not a valid code; codes 16 and 34 valid only for Regis University’s Enrollment and Financial Aid Files.
- For 2 year programs, only 11, 12, 15, 19, and 20 are valid.
- Error if not in admitted status
- Error will be generated for code "54" as an explanation is required

Format: Numeric, 2 place integer

Updates: Removed code for Extended Studies Program, December 1989, June 1991; added cumulative credit hour range verification with student level, June 1996; reconfigured structure, added codes 16, 20, 33, and 34, and deleted codes 35 and 36, July 2002; Dec 2009 new codes 52,53,54;
9/32 Tuition Classification

Definition: Classification of student for the purpose of tuition assessment. Institutions must be in compliance with DHE’s FTE Reporting Guidelines and Procedures implemented for FY2003. Also see page on Tuition Classification—Detail.

In State: Student determined to be in state for public tuition purposes according to Title 23 7 102 (5), C.R.S.

Out of State: Student determined to be out of state for public tuition purposes according to Title 23 7 102 (5), C.R.S.

1 - In-state-Colorado resident
2 - Out-of-State
3 - Unclassified--allowable only for students enrolled exclusively cash-funded courses. Use this value only when in- or out-of-state residency is not available. Students enrolled in state-funded extended campus courses should have a tuition classification of 1 or 2

Special treatment of out-of-state student groups as provided for by Colorado statutes summarized in Tuition Classification Detail field:

Missing Value: Does not apply; field must be completed.

Edit Specs:
- Error if value > 3.
- Error if 3 and resident instruction hours are greater than 0.

Format: Numeric, 1 place integer

Updates: June 1991; added code 4 on limited basis, July 2002; deleted code 4, FY2004

10/33 Program Code Definition: The program code that identifies the student's stated program at the time of the data report, where program code is defined as the assigned classification of instructional program code associated with the approved program.

Codes/Notes: Formerly called major. The six-digit Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) code that identifies the specific field of study the individual is enrolled in.

For the Degrees File, refer to the list of operating postsecondary programs for valid CIP codes approved for an institution. This list is different from the Approved Postsecondary Degree Publication and includes programs still eligible to report degrees during phase-out cycle. The institutional data contact person at each institution has the most recent copy of this list or you may request a correct copy of the list from the Commission.

For the Undergraduate Applicant File and Enrollment File, students whose major is undeclared should be reported as '999999'. This code is invalid on the Degrees Granted file. For students accepted in a undergraduate degree program or program area but whose specific major is undeclared, (e.g. Engineering), an institution may identify majors by the use of '99' plus the first 4 digits of program area. (e.g. Engineering: 991401) The institution must offer the specific program at the baccalaureate level in order to report these discipline areas (e.g. cannot report pre-law since no undergraduate law program offered, cannot report pre-pharmacy if no pharmacy program is available on campus). If the student anticipates transferring into a program at another institution, this student must be reported in the liberal arts program, if offered, or as undeclared.

The program area reported in this field will be the primary program unit of analysis for federal reports, enrollment projections, and standard Commission reports.

Missing Value: Blank, only if non-degree seeking student.

Edit Specs: Error if code reported is not found in the list of DHE approved programs for the reporting institution.

Format: Alphanumeric, 6 integers

Updates: December 1989
11/39 Program Sequence Number Definition: The assigned sequence number that will differentiate programs classified by the same CIP code at an institution.

Codes/Notes: Formerly called Major Sequence Number.

For the majority of programs this field will be blank since the sequence number is assigned only to a small number of programs. Refer to the list of operating postsecondary programs for valid CIP codes and sequence numbers approved for an institution. Please contact the Commission Office for the most recent copy of this list.

Where the major sequence is required, the number should be reported in 2 digit format (i.e. 02, 03, etc.)

Missing Value: Blank, if not applicable.

Edit Specs: Error if the Program Code and Program Sequence Number do not match the institution’s approved program list for the reporting institution.

Format: AlphaNumeric, 2 place integer

Updates: December 1989
12/41 Registration Status Definition: This classification divides students into three major categories—first-time, transfer, and continuing/readmit—and three smaller groups: high school concurrent, summer only, and study abroad.

1 - First-Time
3 - Transfer
5 - Continuing or Readmit
6 - Study abroad, with no hours of any kind
7 - High school concurrent
9 - Summer Only

Missing Value: Unacceptable, must be completed.

Edit Specs:
See matrix with student level (Figure II).
UAF: 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 valid; 5, 7, and 9 are excluded from admission standard calculations. 5 valid only if student is on the UAF for assessment only.
Value 6 valid only if total hours = zero.
Value 9 valid only in summer terms.
Cannot be 1st time (1) at the same level (undergrad, grad) in the same institution more than once unless summer and immediately following fall

Error if not in admitted status

Format: Alpha-numeric, 1 place integer

Updates: October 1985; Restructured field

The values as listed and defined are not necessarily mutually exclusive. Therefore determining the proper value requires using a hierarchical decision rule.

  • If the student is a HS concurrent (including fast track, including PSEO, including those that are neither) in the term, code as 7, HS concurrent. May be in their first term at your institution or not. May be degree-seeking or not. Definition: Students age 18 or younger who have not graduated from HS or earned a GED.
  • ELSE if summer only, code as 9. Definition: Students in this category cannot automatically continue on to the fall or spring term without applying for admission. May be their first summer term at your institution or not. Legal value only for summer terms. Generally non-degree only.
  • ELSE, if enrolled for no hours, on file only due to Study Abroad participation, report as 6
  • ELSE, if reporting for fall, was the student a registration-type 1 or 3 on the immediately prior summer term file? The student must be enrolled in the fall.
    • If yes, report as the same code in fall (1 or 3) and STOP
    • If no, go on
  • ELSE, decide if this term is the student’s first term at your institution at the current level, where level is undergrad or grad as defined in the STUDENT LEVEL values
    • If no (current term not the first term at your institution at this level), · Were all prior terms at your institution as a HS concurrent? · If no, has any prior terms at your institution not as a HS concurrent, or don’t know, report as 5, continuing/readmit. · If yes, · Has the student earned college credit at any other institution, at the current level (grad or UG), since HS? · If no or don’t know, report as 1, first time. · If yes, report as 3, transfer.
    • If yes (current term was first term at your institution at this level) · Has the student earned college credit at any other institution since HS? · If no or don’t know, report as 1, first time · If yes, report as 3, transfer
  • Finally, if the process above yields a 5/continuing, is the student considered a new transfer at your institution this term? This occurs in some institutions when students formally apply to (that is, apply to, are admitted to, then enroll in) a degree program from non-degree status.
    • If yes (student considered a new transfer by the institution), report as 3, transfer
    • Note that a student could conceivably be reported as a 3 on files for several terms– 1 or 2 terms as a new non-degree undergrad [a summer file and a fall file] with prior work elsewhere after HS, 1 or 2 terms as a transfer from UG non-degree to degree, 1 or 2 more as a transfer to graduate level non-degree work with prior grad work elsewhere, and 1-2 more from grad non-degree to degree.
    • Students reported as 3’s/transfers in undergrad degree programs (levels 11-15) on the enrollment file who were previously enrolled as non-degree students at the same institution (except as high school concurrents) must be reported on the UAF as transfers with prior institution code = own institution code.

Changes effective with files for summer 2003 (FY 2003-04)
· HS concurrent given a separate value, which takes precedence over all else and includes continuing HS concurrents. Students with value 7 HS Concurrent would usually have been 2’s or 5’s or 4’s in the old scheme with program type 5. · Summer only separated and includes continuing. In old scheme would usually have been 2’s with program type 6. · New value for study abroad only. Would probably not have been on the file before. · Old value 4, readmit, dropped – value 5, continuing, becomes continuing AND readmit · Old value 2, first-time other, dropped. Some students who would have been 2’s before would be 1’s in the revised scheme, with student level 19, or 39 (non-degree). Others will be 3’s now, if prior same-level post-HS work at another institution is known. This includes all level 20’s.

13/42 State Definition: Code reported in the Enrollment File identifies the state in which a student resided during the first term and will be used to identify state in which a student resided for the first enrolled term after admission to the institution for first time freshmen and transfer students when not available in UAF. This code does not indicate tuition classification since out of state students may reside in Colorado at time of application, and in state students may apply from out of state residences.

Code/Notes: Mandatory for students reported with first time freshmen or transfer registration status in Enrollment file. When reporting UAF, state required for students with registration status of first-time freshmen or transfer and admission status of applicant, accepted, or assessed/enrolled.

See County Code table in Glossary.

Missing Value: Blank acceptable if unknown, except if registration status = first-time freshmen or transfer.

Edit Specs:
- Error check on first time and transfer students only
- Error if value not blank and is not a valid code listed above.

Format: Alphanumeric, 2 place integer

Updates: Added code for U.S. Territories, March 1995
14/44 County (at time of application) Definition: Code reported in the UAF that identifies the Colorado county for student in one of the following categories:
  1. applicant, not enrolled, at four-year institution—report county applicant resided in at the time of application to the institution;
  2. applicant, enrolled, at four-year institution—report county applicant resided in at time of application, if available, or for the first term of enrollment
  3. enrolled and/or assessed students reported in two-year institution UAF—report county student resided in at time of most recent application, if available, or for the first term of enrollment

Codes/Notes: Mandatory for first time freshmen or transfer students. This data element is normally available only for in state students. Some out of state students, however, may have Colorado permanent addresses, and in those cases, report the appropriate county code when possible. Otherwise use the out of state or out of country code as appropriate. Can be determined from the zip code of student's permanent address, if not able to be determined directly. When reporting UAF, county required for students with registration status of first-time freshmen or transfer and admission status of applicant, accepted, or assessed/enrolled.

001 to 125 - Various Colorado Counties
998 - Out of Country
999 - Out of State

Missing Value: Blank, if unknown or unavailable except if registration status is first-time freshmen or transfer; students residing out of state should be reported as 999, not blank.

Edit Specs: 
- Error if value not blank and not a valid code from county table.
- Error check on first time students and transfer students.

Format: Numeric, 3 place integer

Updates: October 1985; Broomfield County added November 2001
15/47 Year of High School Graduation Definition: Four-digit year in which the student graduated from high school.

NNNN - four-digit year of graduation
9999 - did not graduate from high school and did not complete a GED

If student has GED, then a GED score should be reported in the GED Score field on Undergraduate Applicant File and Year of High School Graduation should be left blank.

If student is high school concurrent, report student in registration status as 7, and Year of High School Graduation should be left blank.

If student did not graduate from high school or year of high school graduation is unknown, leave blank.

Missing Value: Field required for all first-time and assessed students in UAF and first-time in the Enrollment File, except for GED admits.

Edit Specs:
- Error if alphanumeric.
- Error when date of birth and high school graduation year missing.
- Error if year of high school graduation > report year.
- Error of year of high school graduation is < report year –60.
- Warning when date of birth indicates recent high school graduation year.

Format: Numeric, 4 character

Updates: Expanded to four-digit format, year 2000 file conversions; updated missing information on July 2001.
16/51 Admission Status Definition: For four-year institutions, the Undergraduate Applicant File collects data about all undergraduate applicants (i.e., first time or transfer) to an institution, as well as students for whom assessment activity must be reported. If the student is an applicant, this field indicates his/her final status: (1) applied but not accepted; (2) accepted but not enrolled after census date; (3) enrolled and did not withdraw before census date. Neither readmit or continuing students are to be reported on the Undergraduate Applicant File unless the student is being reported for assessment purposes only.


1 - applicant, a first time student who has formally requested admission to an institution, but has not been accepted. Code not applicable to two-year institutions.

2 - accepted, a first time student who has been notified that he/she has been approved for enrollment to an institution, but has not enrolled. Code not applicable to two-year institutions.

3 - enrolled, a student who has registered at the institution at which he/she was accepted and who is still enrolled after census date. Newly enrolled students who are assessed should be reported with this code.

8 - assessed student, but not enrolled at institution

9 - assessed student, enrolled at institution as a continuing or readmitted student (e.g., non-degree-seeking to degree-seeking status).

Missing Value: Does not apply, must be completed.

Edit Specs: Error if value < 1 or > 3 except for 8 or 9.
Two-year institutions use codes 3, 8 or 9 only.

Format: Numeric, 1 place integer

Updates: December 1989; added codes 8 and 9, FY2002
17/52 Filler - Field Deleted (Program Type Indicator) Definition:
Missing Value:
Edit Specs:  ONE SPACE
Format: AlphaNumeric, 1 place
18/53 Transcript Type Definition: Indicates the type of high school transcript that the student provides for admission purposes.


0 - Traditional U.S. high school transcript, listing courses, grades, and GPA.
1 - International high school transcript conferred by a high school operating outside the United States
2 - Performance or competency-based transcript, listing performance levels within content areas.
3 - Combination transcript that includes both traditional grading and performance-based evaluation.
4 - Portfolio assessment without an accompanying transcript.
5 - Home school transcript, not validated by the appropriate school district
9 - Missing transcript, student did not furnish a transcript

Under DHE policy, students who receive a traditional transcript (0) and meet or exceed the index score associated with the institution to which they applied will meet the admission standards. Students who receive an international transcript (1) are exempt from the standards. Students who receive a performance-based transcript (2 or 3) will meet the admission standards of the institutions participating in the pilot project. Institutions may admit students who provide a portfolio (4) in place of a transcript or who provide a home school transcript (5) or who fail to provide a transcript (9), but these students will be considered window students. This field is applicable to first-time students and students who are transferring less than 12 hours.

It is the institution's responsibility to assess transcripts and to be able to justify to an auditor whether or not a transcript is classified as "international.” A non-resident alien could present a traditional U.S. high school transcript. A U.S. military dependent could present a traditional U.S. high school transcript from an American school operating outside the United States.

Missing Value: Must be completed.

Edit Specs: Error if > 5 and < 9; error if >9.

Error if not in admitted status

Format: Numeric, 1 place integer

Updates: Field converted from International Transcript to accommodate performance-based, alternative transcript, and high school pilot study, June 1996; changed missing transcript code from blank to 9, July 2003.
19/54 High School Code Definition: The code that identifies the secondary school from which a student graduated, comprised of a 2 digit state code plus a 4 digit institutional code.

Codes/Notes: A high school code must be reported if the student is first-time or is enrolled through a PSEO or Fast Track program. Use the 6 digit American College Testing (ACT) number for Colorado high school codes. Do not enter the hyphens in the school codes from the table. Refer to the ACT website for an unknown high school code (http://www.act.org). Search for high school codes; select Colorado and enter known information about high school in question. If the high school does not have an entry on the ACT website, contact DHE for an assigned code.

Use the following ACT code for a student who is home schooled: 969999.

If a students earns a GED: 960000

For students who graduated from high school in other states, enter at least the appropriate 2 digit state code in the first two positions and leave the rest of the field blank if the institution code is not available.

Note: Do not use 060000 to indicate an unknown Colorado high school. ACT has assigned this code to Adams City High School in Commerce City. For a Colorado high school graduate with an unknown high school, be sure to leave the last four positions blank.

Beginning in 1992-93, community colleges must report this data element on the enrollment file, for any first time student who graduated from a Colorado high school within the previous three years.

For full list of codes, see downloadable list in glossary

Missing Value: Blank acceptable if unknown, unavailable, except if student is 1) first-time freshman or assessed in Undergraduate Applicant File or 2) reported as first-time freshman or a high school concurrent in Enrollment File.

Edit Specs: The field is divided into the state code (first two digits) and institution code (last four digits) for the edit.
- Error if state code is not a valid code from the table on State page, unless student is homeschooled or GED
- Error if state code is '06' and institution code is not a valid ACT code or four blanks for unknown.
- Error if code is 069999; use code ‘06’ followed by four blanks (left justified) if unknown Colorado high school code.

Format: Alphanumeric, 6 place integer

Updates: Added reporting requirement for two-year institutions, December 1992; November 2011 - GED HS Code set to 960000 to match current practice;
20/60 High School GPA Definition: 

Codes/Notes: The grade point average should be reported on a four-point scale where the highest score equals 4 and 0 is the lowest. Report three decimal positions as shown in the format. Convert grade point averages that were not reported on a four point scale to a scale equivalent to:
4 - A
3 - B
2 - C
1 - D
0 - F

with 4.00 the highest possible GPA and 0.0 the lowest.

To convert a GPA:

Grade Scale Divide By
3 .75
4 1.00
5 1.25
6 1.50
7 1.75
8 2.00
9 2.25
10 2.50
11 2.75
12 3.00

Conversions for a GPA based on a scaling system other than above are left to the discretion of each institution. The only requirement is that the institution converts the grades to a four point system in a consistent manner.

Missing Value: Blank, if unknown

Edit Specs: 

- Error if < 0 or > 4.00.

- Error if not in admitted status

- Warning if field is 0.

Format: AlphaNumeric, 1 place integer plus 2 place decimal (9V99) (decimal point is implied)

Updates: Required missing GPA to be a blank, not zero, March 1998
21/63 ACT Flag Definition: Source of the reported ACT composite.

Codes/Notes: In fall 1989, the ACT Testing service revised the tests that comprise the standard ACT test for undergraduates. This field is used to identify the source or test type (original vs. enhanced) of the ACT composite reported on the undergraduate applicant file.
  1. Test administered prior to October 1989, original ACT Assessment
  2. Test administered since October 1989, Enhanced ACT Assessment

Missing Value: Blank, if no ACT composite score reported

Edit Specs: 
Error if value is < 1 or > 2.
Error if blank and ACT: composite not blank
Error if not in admitted status

Format: Numeric, 1 place integer

Updates: Replaced H.S. GPA—Academic variable with this field, with ACT Flag distinguishing between original and enhanced ACT, December 1989. Effective with the summer/fall 2002 UAF, refers to the ACT composite ONLY, not to the component scores (English, math, etc.), which may come from different test versions and/or administrations.
22/64 SAT Flag Definition: Source of the SAT test scores reported for use in the admissions index

Codes/Notes: In April 1995, the Educational Testing Service revised the scoring for the SAT Math and SAT verbal tests to recenter the scores. This field is used to differentiate between the two test series.
  1. Test administered prior to April 1995, Original SAT
  2. Test administered since April 1995, Recentered SAT
  3. Recentered score calculated from an Original SAT score

The flag indicates source/version of the SAT verbal and SAT math scores, from a single SAT administration, reported for use in the admissions index, NOT the source/version of SAT-v and SAT-m used and reported for assessment, which may come from separate administrations and/or different test versions.

Missing Value: Blank (no SAT scores reported for use in admissions index)

Edit Specs: 
Error if value is < 1 or > 3.
Error if blank and SAT: Verbal (Admissions Index) and SAT: Math (Admissions Index) not blank
Error if not in admitted status

Format: Numeric, 1 place integer

Updates: Added code to distinguish recentered scores taken since April 1995 from those scores taken from SAT prior to April 1995, July 1995. Effective with the summer/fall 2002 file, applies only to the SAT scores reported for use in the admissions index, not those reported for assessment.
23/65 Filler - Field Deleted (CO Guaranteed Admission) Definition:
Missing Value:
Edit Specs:  ONE SPACE
Format: AlphaNumeric, 1 place
24/66 High School Rank Definition: The percentile in which a student is ranked within his/her high school graduating class as reported on the high school transcript.

Codes/Notes: Allow for one decimal position as shown in the format. Also, note that this item represents a percentile, not a fraction and values cannot equal 0 or 100.
  • 99.9 highest percentile value
  • 00.1 lowest percentile value

  1. Divide Rank by Graduating Class Size
  2. Subtract from 1.00
  3. Multiply by 100

GraduatingClass RankPercentile

Missing Value: Blank, if unknown or unavailable

Edit Specs: Error if not blank and value < .1 or > 99.9

Error if not in admitted status

Format: Numeric, two place integer plus one place decimal (99V9) (the decimal value is implied)

Updates: October 1985
25/69 ACT Composite

Definition: Overall score achieved on ACT exam.

Codes/Notes: Composite ACT score, computed as the arithmetic average of the four ACT subtest scores

The ACT Composite Score may be based on multiple administrations of the test.

ACT composite score as a whole number. When this score is reported, make sure and enter two trailing zeroes. For example, code a score of 19 as 1900; code a computed score of 19.7 as 1970.

Beginning in October 1989, an enhanced ACT test was administered. While either version of the test may be used to determine the student's acceptance, indicate the version of the test from which the scores were taken in the ACT FLAG field.

Missing Value: Blank, if unknown or unavailable

Edit Specs: 
Error if not blank and value is < 1 or > 36
Error if blank and ACT subscores reported
Error if blank and ACT flag not blank.
Warning if blank and SAT scores blank if eligible for freshman standards at four-year institution.
Error if score is not

Format: Numeric, 4 digits; (99V99) (the decimal point is implied)

Updates: December 1989; became required reporting and separated from subscores, July 2002. ; Updated, May 2013 to allow multiple administrations; 2 place integer plus 2 place decimal

26/73 ACT English

Definition: Score achieved on ACT examination in English section that is used for assessment

Codes/Notes: The ACT Score should be based the highest component score regardless of administration of the test.

Missing Value: Blank, if unknown or unavailable

Edit Specs: Error if not blank and value < 1 or > 36; also, error if blank and any of ACT:
Math (Assessment), ACT: Science, ACT: Reading (Assessment) or ACT: Composite are not blank.
Error if blank and Writing Assessment Indicator = ‘01’.

Format: Numeric, 2 place integer

Updates: December 7, 1989; became required reporting and separated subscores from composite to allow for differing test administrations, July 1, 2002. ; Updated, May 2013 to allow multiple administrations; Because institutions may report subscores from different test administrations, DHE cannot derive a composite. Institutions, therefore, will need to report both a composite and all four subscores. If the test is taken more than once, report whichever score is used for assessment.

27/75 ACT Math

Definition: Score achieved on ACT examination in mathematics section that is used for assessment and used by institutions to calculate ACT composite (Field 25 of UAF)

Codes/Notes: The ACT Score should be based the highest component score regardless of administration of the test.

Missing Value: Blank, if unknown or unavailable

Edit Specs: Error if not blank and value < 1 or > 36; also, error if blank and any of ACT:
English (Assessment), ACT: Science, ACT: Reading (Assessment) or ACT: Composite are not blank.
Error if blank and Math Assessment Indicator = ‘01’.

Format: Numeric, 2 place integer

Updates: June 1991; became required reporting and separated subscores from composite to allow for differing test administrations, July 2002. ; Updated, May 2013 to allow multiple administrations; Because institutions may report subscores from different test administrations, DHE cannot derive a composite. Institutions, therefore, will need to report both a composite and all four subscores. If the test is taken more than once, report whichever score is used for assessment.

28/77 ACT Science

Definition: Score achieved on ACT examination in the science section and used by institutions to calculate ACT composite (Field 25 of UAF)

Codes/Notes: The ACT Score should be based the highest component score regardless of administration of the test.

Missing Value: Blank, if unknown or unavailable.

Edit Specs: Error if not blank and value < 1 or > 36; also, error if blank and any of ACT: English (Assessment), ACT: Math (Assessment), or ACT: Reading (Assessment) or ACT: Composite are not blank.

Format: Numeric, 2 place integer

Updates: December 1989; became required reporting and separated subscores from composite to allow for differing test administrations, July 2002.; Updated, May 2013 to allow multiple administrations;  If the Enhanced ACT test was used (administered since October 1989), report the score of the Science subtest in this field. If the original ACT test version was administered, record the score of the Natural Science subtest. Because institutions may report subscores from different test administrations, DHE cannot derive a composite. Institutions, therefore, will need to report both a composite and all four subtest scores.

29/79 ACT Reading

Definition: Score achieved on ACT examination in the reading comprehension section that is used for assessment and used by institutions to calculate ACT composite (Field 25 of UAF)

Codes/Notes: The ACT Score should be based the highest component score regardless of administration of the test.

Missing Value: Blank, if unknown or unavailable.

Edit Specs: Error if not blank and value < 1 or > 36; also, error if blank and any of ACT: English (Assessment), ACT: Math (Assessment), ACT: Science or ACT: Composite are not blank.
Error if blank and Reading Assessment Indicator = '01'.

Format: Numeric, 2 place integer

Updates: December 1989; June 1991; became required reporting and separated subscores from composite to allow for differing test administrations, July 2002. ; Updated, May 2013 to allow multiple administrations; If the Enhanced ACT test was used (administered since October 1989), report the score of the Reading comprehension subtest in this field. If the original ACT test version was administered, record the score of the Social Science subtest. Because institutions may report subscores from different test administrations, DHE cannot derive a composite. Institutions, therefore, will need to report both a composite and all four subscores. If the test is taken more than once, report whichever score is used for assessment.

30/81 SAT Verbal

Definition: The score achieved on the verbal or language section of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) exam that is used for the assessment decision. Combined with the SAT Math score, the calculated composite is used by DHE in the calculation of the index score.

Report even if ACT scores also are available.

Codes/Notes: The SAT Score should be based the highest component score regardless of administration of the test.

Missing Value: Blank, if unavailable.

Edit Specs: Error if not blank and value < 200 or > 800, or if not blank and SAT: Math (Admissions) is blank.

Format: Numeric, 3 place integer

Updates: July 1987; Updated, May 2013 to allow multiple administrations; admissions decision. When reported, the combination of this score and the SAT: Mathematics (Admissions) score is the basis for calculating the SAT component of the DHE Admissions Index. Must be from same administration of SAT test as mathematics score reported.

31/84 SAT Math

Definition: The score achieved on the mathematics section of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) exam that is used for the assessment decision. Combined with the SAT Verbal score, the calculated composite is used by DHE in the calculation of the index score.

Report even if ACT scores also are available.

Codes/Notes: The SAT Score should be based the highest component score regardless of administration of the test.

Report even if ACT scores are also available.

Missing Value: Blank, if unavailable.

Edit Specs: 
Error if not blank and value < 200 or > 800, or if not blank and SAT: Verbal (Assessment) is blank.

Format: Numeric, 3 place integer

Updates: Implemented, July 2002; Updated, May 2013 to allow multiple administrations; Must be from same administration of SAT test as verbal score reported.

32/87 GED Score Definition: Score achieved on the Tests of General Educational Development.

Codes/Notes: The GED examination is a test of equivalency for the high school diploma. It is used as a measurement for students who do not have a high school diploma but have taken the GED. It is evaluated against the GED standards described in the DHE Admission Standards Policy.

Beginning in January 2002, testing centers began administering a new version of the test. The differentiating identifier of the 2002 version is a three-digit score. Scores from the previous 1988 version cannot be combined with scores on the 2002 series (i.e., scores must be from the same version, either 1988 or 2002).

Because the score from the 2002 version is three digits, convert that score to two digits for SURDS reporting by dividing it by 10. If necessary, round to the nearest integer, rounding .5 up.

Missing Value: Blank, if unknown or unavailable.

Edit Specs: 
Error if not blank and value < 20 or > 80;
Year of High School Graduation must be blank if score reported in GED field.
Error if not in admitted status

Format: Numeric, 2 place integer

Updates: Added error listing for age range, June 1996; added provisions for 2002 test, July 2002.
33/89 Filler - Field Deleted (Date Last Attendance) Definition:

Missing Value:
Edit Specs:  SIX SPACES
Format: AlphaNumeric, 6 places
34/95 Transfer GPA Definition: The cumulative grade point average of a student from the previously attended postsecondary institutions prior to transfer used to determine admission status. Based on four point system.

Codes/Notes: Convert grades that were not reported on a four point scale as described on H.S. GPA Transcript page.

If a former special student or two year program student (for ASC and MESA) at the institution is reported as a transfer student entering a four year degree program, report the GPA earned by the student at the institution before transfer.

Note the implied decimal point in the Format. For example, enter a GPA of 2.7 as '270'.

Missing Value: Blank, if unknown or unavailable.

Edit Specs: 
Error if not blank and < 0.01 or > 4.00.
Error if not in admitted status
Error if age is not between 17 and 20
Warning if all blank or less than 1.00.

Format: AlphaNumeric, 1 place integer plus 2 place decimal (9V99) (decimal point is implied)

Updates: July 1988
35/98 Transfer GPA Credit Hours Definition: The total credit hours from which the Transfer GPA was computed.

Codes/Notes: To establish a statewide approach for reporting credit hours from which the Transfer GPA was computed, it is necessary that criteria be established. Individual admission offices have adopted slightly different policies regarding the calculation of transfer GPA and the credit hours on which the calculation is based. DHE does not intend to dictate admission policy regarding applicable transfer credit hours.

However, for credits reported on the Undergraduate Applicant File, it is expected that institutions will comply with the minimum policies outlined below.
  1. All transfer credit hour decisions for an institution should be based on the same institutional admission decision criteria system. (i.e. Use credits from most recently attended institution only; or use credits from all institutions attended within the last 20 years; etc.)
  2. All transfer credit hours should be reported in semester hours. Convert quarter hours to equivalent semester hours using the following ratio:
2/3 quarter hours = semester hours round to nearest integer. This guideline is for general data consistency.

Missing Value: Blank, if no credits

Edit Specs: 
Error if < 0 or > 300
Error if blank and registration status = 3
Error if not in admitted status
Error if age is not between 17 and 20

Format: AlphaNumeric, 3 place integer

Updates: June 1991
36/101 Filler - Field Deleted (Level Prior Transfer) Definition:
Missing Value:
Edit Specs:  TWO SPACES
Format: AlphaNumeric, 2 places
37/103 Degree Prior to Transfer Definition: The highest degree/certificate/recognition achieved at the postsecondary institution in which a student was previously enrolled.

Codes/Notes: This field applies only to transfer students
  1. None
  2. Certificate, less than 1 year
  3. Certificate, at least 1 year but less than 2 years
  4. Certificate, at least 2 years but less than 4 years
  5. Associate of Applied Science
  6. Associate degree, all Associate degrees except Applied Science
  7. Bachelor's Degree
  8. Master's Degree
  9. First Professional Degree
  10. Doctoral Degree program

Missing Value: Blank, if unknown or unavailable

Edit Specs: Error if contains a value > 9 and < 0
Error if not in admitted status

Format: Numeric, 1 place integer

Updates: July 1, 1988
38/104 Filler Definition:
Missing Value:
Edit Specs:  ONE SPACE
Format: AlphaNumeric, 1 place
39/105 Transfer Inst Code Definition: The unique code that identifies the most recently attended postsecondary institution

Codes/Notes: The number assigned to each higher education institution by the American College Testing service, identifying an institution with a 4 digit institutional code. See Attachment 8.02 for a list of the codes to use for Colorado institutions.

Do NOT use the ETS code for reporting Transfer Institution code. The use of this code may produce unexpected transfer and migration results.

For students who transferred from an institution in another state, enter at least the appropriate 2 digit state code in the first two positions and leave the rest of the field blank if the institution code is not available. For Colorado institutions, please use the institution code.

Missing Value: Blank, if unknown

Edit Specs: 
Error if not blank and not a valid ACT code.
Error if blank and Registration Status =3.
Error if not in admitted status
Error if age is not between 17 and 20

Format: AlphaNumeric, 4 place integer

Updates: July 1987
40/109 Filler - Field Deleted (Transfer Institution Name) Definition:
Missing Value:
Edit Specs:  28 SPACES
Format: AlphaNumeric, 28 places
41/137 GOS Definition: A code which indicates whether the student is a recipient of the Governor’s Opportunity Scholarship.

Codes/Notes: The scholarship program was implemented fiscal year 1999-2000 (fall term).
1 = yes, recipient
2 = no, not a recipient

Missing Value: Blank

Edit Specs: Error if < 1 or > 2.
Error if not in admitted status

Format: Numeric, 1 place integer

Updates: October 1999
42/138 Filler - Field Deleted (Fiscal Year) Definition:
Missing Value:
Edit Specs:  4 SPACES
Format: AlphaNumeric, 4 places
43/142 Math Assess Indicator Definition: The basis for assessing if this student needs remediation in mathematics. Do not report the basis for determining course level placement within remedial mathematics.


00 - Assessment pending
01 - ACT (mathematics section)
02 - COMPASS (Mathematics Test)
03 - Accuplacer
04 - ASSET
05 - SAT (mathematics/quantitative)
06 - Institutionally-designed instrument
98 - Assessment waived
99 - Assessment exempted

Enrolled students who have not been assessed and do not fall into one of the exempt categories below should be reported as pending. An assessment is waived (or not applicable) only when a student has a documented learning disability.

Institutions may exempt student from assessment requirements. The exemptions are limited to:
  1. Students who have earned a baccalaureate degree;
  2. Students who have earned a transfer-oriented associate degree (i.e., A.A. or A.S.); excludes AGS and AAS graduates;
  3. Student who are pursuing a vocational certificate;
  4. Students who have been previously assessed in mathematics at a Colorado public institution;
  5. Students who have successfully completed a remedial course in mathematics;
  6. Student who have successfully completed a college-level course in mathematics;
  7. All concurrently enrolled high school students until they are matriculated as degree-seeking by an institution;
  8. Exchange students (students coming from another institution, state, or country for study for a defined period of time (e.g., academic term or year).
  9. Students classified as non-degree-seeking.

Note 1: Successfully completed refers to students earning a grade of C- or higher or a Satisfactory completion.
Note 2: If an institution’s assessment requirement is more stringent than DHE’s (e.g., requiring assessment of certificate-seekers), institutions should report the assessment and its related fields.

Missing Value: 
Blanks acceptable only when admission status = 1 or 2.
Blank for admission status = 3 acceptable if student level = 19 or 20.

Edit Specs: Error if value > 06 except 98 and 99.

Format: AlphaNumeric, 2 place integer

Updates: Implemented, FY2002
44/144 Math Placement Definition: The indicator if student is required by the institution to be remediated in mathematics.

0 - No assessment reported (for student whose assessment is pending, waived, or exempted)
1 - Yes, this student requires mathematics remediation
2 - No, this student does not require mathematics remediation

See Figure VII for valid combinations of this field and assessment indicator.

Missing Value: 
Blanks acceptable only when admission status = 1 or 2.
Blank for admission status = 3 acceptable if student level = 19 or 20.

Edit Specs: Error if value >= 3.

Format: Numeric, 1 place integer

Updated: Implemented, FY2002
45/145 Writing Assess Indicator Definition: The basis for assessing if this student needs remediation in writing. Do not report the basis for determining course level placement within remedial writing.

00 - Assessment pending
01 - ACT (English section)
02 - COMPASS (Language Test)
03 - Accuplacer
04 - ASSET (Language Usage Test)
05 - SAT (verbal)
06 - Institutionally-designed instrument
98 - Assessment waived
99 - Assessment exempted

Enrolled students who have not been assessed and do not fall into one of the exempt categories below should be reported as pending. An assessment is waived (or not applicable) only when a student has a documented learning disability.

Institutions may exempt student from assessment requirements. The exemptions are limited to:
  1. Students who have earned a baccalaureate degree;
  2. Students who have earned a transfer-oriented associate degree (i.e., A.A. or A.S.); excludes AGS and AAS graduates;
  3. Student who are pursuing a vocational certificate;
  4. Students who have been previously assessed in writing at a Colorado public institution;
  5. Students who have successfully completed a remedial course in writing;
  6. Student who have successfully completed a college-level course in writing;
  7. All concurrently enrolled high school students until they are matriculated as degree-seeking by an institution;
  8. Exchange students (students coming from another institution, state, or country for study for a defined period of time (e.g., academic term or year).
  9. Students classified as non-degree-seeking.
Note 1: Successfully completed refers to students earning a grade of C- or higher or a Satisfactory completion.

Note 2: If an institution’s assessment requirement is more stringent than DHE’s (e.g., requiring assessment of certificate-seekers), institutions should report the assessment and its related fields.

Missing Value: 
Blanks acceptable only when admission status = 1 or 2.
Blank for admission status = 3 acceptable if student level = 19 or 20

Edit Specs: Error if value > 06 except 98 and 99.

Format: AlphaNumeric, 2 place integer

Updated: Implemented, FY2002
46/147 Writing Placement Definition: The indicator if student is required by the institution to be remediated in writing.

0 - No assessment reported (for student whose assessment is pending, waived, or exempted)
1 - Yes, this student requires writing remediation
2 - No, this student does not require writing remediation

Missing Value: 
Blanks acceptable only when admission status = 1 or 2.
Blank for admission status = 3 acceptable if student level = 19 or 20

Edit Specs: Error if value >= 3.

Format: Numeric, 1 place integer

Updated: Implemented, FY2002
47/148 Reading Assess Indicator Definition: The basis for assessing if this student needs remediation in reading. Do not report the basis for determining course level placement within remedial reading.

00 - Assessment pending
01 - ACT (Reading section)
02 - COMPASS (Reading Skills Test)
03 - Accuplacer
04 - ASSET (Reading Skills Test)
05 - SAT (Verbal)
06 - Institutionally-designed instrument
07 - Nelson-Denny exam
98 - Assessment waived
99 - Assessment exempted

Enrolled students who have not been assessed and do not fall into one of the exempt categories below should be reported as pending. An assessment is waived (or not applicable) only when a student has a documented learning disability.

Institutions may exempt student from assessment requirements. The exemptions are limited to:
  1. Students who have earned a baccalaureate degree;
  2. Students who have earned a transfer-oriented associate degree (i.e., A.A. or A.S.); excludes AGS and AAS graduates;
  3. Student who are pursuing a vocational certificate;
  4. Students who have been previously assessed in reading at a Colorado public institution;
  5. Students who have successfully completed a remedial course in reading;
  6. All concurrently enrolled high school students until they are matriculated as degree-seeking by an institution;
  7. Exchange students (students coming from another institution, state, or country for study for a defined period of time (e.g., academic term or year).
  8. Students classified as non-degree-seeking.

Note 1: Successfully completed refers to students earning a grade of C- or higher or a Satisfactory completion.
Note 2: If an institution’s assessment requirement is more stringent than DHE’s (e.g., requiring assessment of certificate-seekers), institutions should report the assessment and its related fields.

Missing Value: 

Blanks acceptable only when admission status = 1 or 2.

Blank for admission status = 3 acceptable if student level = 19 or 20.

Edit Specs: Error if value > 07 except 98 and 99.

Format: AlphaNumeric, 2 place integer

Updates: Implemented, FY2002
48/150 Reading Placement Definition: The indicator if student is required by the institution to be remediated in reading.

0 - No assessment reported (for student whose assessment is pending, waived, or exempted)
1 - Yes, this student requires reading remediation
2- No, this student does not require reading remediation

Missing Value: 
Blanks acceptable only when admission status = 1 or 2.
Blank for admission status = 3 acceptable if student level = 19 or 20.

Edit Specs: Error if value >= 3.

Format: Numeric, 1 place integer

Updates: Implemented, FY2002
49/151 Degree Level

Definition: Degree File—The level of degree/diploma/certificate conferred by the institution upon the student for the successful completion of a program.
Enrollment and Undergraduate Applicant Files—The level of degree/diploma/certificate/ formal award sought by the student for the successful completion of a program.

Codes/Notes: (See Glossary below for description of each category.)

   01 - Certificate (less than 1 year)
   02 - Certificate (at least 1 but less than 2 years)
   03 - Certificate (at least 2 but less than 4 years)
   05 - Post-Master's Certificate (Regis Univ only)
   11 - Associate of Applied Science
   12 - Associate of General Studies
   13 - Associate Degree (AA or AS)
   21 - Bachelor's Degree
   31 - Master's Degree
   33 - Specialist Degree Removed Dec 2009
   41 - First-Professional Degree Removed Dec 2009
   51 - Doctoral Degree Removed Dec 2009
   52 - Doctoral - Research/Scholarship
   53 - Doctoral - Professional Practice
   54 - Doctoral - Other (Explanation Required)

If a student receives two awards for completing two programs in two totally independent courses of study, report both completions by submitting two records for the student with each program coded in its appropriate category.

Missing Value: acceptable if non-degree-seeking student

Edit Specs: 
Error if value not in student level/degree level table for appropriate file.
Error if for a degree/certificate level not authorized for an approved program.
Error if not in admitted status
Error will be generated for code "54" as an explanation is required

Format: AlphaNumeric, 2 place integer

Updates: December 1989; December 1991; added field to Enrollment and Undergraduate Applicant Files, added code 33, and deleted code 04, July 2002; December 2009- new codes 52, 53, 54;

50/153 FILLER (Formerly SAT Verbal Assess)


Format: Numeric, 3 place integer

Updates:  Implemented, July 2002; Removed, May 2013 - Definition: The score achieved on the verbal or language section of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) exam that is used for the assessment decision. Codes/Notes: Institutions may report subscores from different test administrations. If the test is taken more than once, report whichever score is used for assessment.
Report even if ACT scores also are available. Missing Value: Blank, if unavailable. Edit Specs: Error if not blank and value < 200 or > 800, or if not blank and SAT: Math (Assessment) is blank.
Error if blank and Reading Assessment Indicator = '05'.
Error if blank and Writing Assessment Indicator = '05'.
Error if blank and SAT: Math (Admission Index) or SAT: Verbal (Admission Index) or SAT flag are not blank

51/156 FILLER (Formerly SAT Math Assess)


Format: Numeric, 3 place integer

Updates: Implemented, July 2002; Removed, May 2013 - Definition: The score achieved on the mathematics section of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) exam that is used for the assessment decision. Codes/Notes: Institutions may report subscores from different test administrations. If the test is taken more than once, report whichever score is used for assessment. Missing Value: Blank, if unavailable. Edit Specs: 
Error if not blank and value < 200 or > 800, or if not blank and SAT: Verbal (Assessment) is blank.
Error if blank and Math Assessment Indicator = ‘05.’
Error if blank and SAT: Math (Admission Index) or SAT: Verbal (Admission Index) or SAT flag are not blank.

52/159 Student Identification Number Type Definition: The indicator to classify the Student Identification Number as believed to be either a social security number or a institutional-assigned identification number.


0 – Indicates that the Student Identification Number is believed to be a social security number

1 – Indicates that the Student Identification Number is NOT a social security number.

Missing Value: Not acceptable.

Edit Specs: Must be "0" or "1"

Format: Alphanumeric, 1

Updates: Implemented, FY2004
53/160 Tuition Classification Detail Definition:

Codes/Notes:Codes 0 – 2 for use in FY2004; codes 3 and higher to be mandatory (if applicable) in FY2005.
  • 0 – Not applicable
  • 1 – Non-Resident Alien
  • 2 – Colorado/New Mexico reciprocity—This code is valid for only ASC, CMU, FLC, USC, WSC, LCC, PCC, and TSJC
  • 3 – U. S. Armed Forces and their dependents
  • 4 – Canadian Military Personnel and their dependents
  • 5 – Olympic Training Center athletes
  • 6 – Chinese and Russian students in graduate public policy programs
  • 7 – WICHE Regional Graduate Program
  • 8 – WICHE Undergraduate Exchange Program (WUE)
  • 9 – Colorado Educational Exchange Program
  • A - In-state tuition classification but charged out of state tuition for no verification
  • B - Economic Development
  • C - Faculty Dependent
  • D - Honorably Discharged Veteran
  • E - COF Affidavit

(2) DHE-Approved Reciprocity Agreements. C.R.S. 23 1 112 allows students participating in this program to be claimed by Colorado institutions for state general fund, up to the maximum number of FTE allocated to the institution by DHE. Colorado has approved reciprocity agreements with New Mexico and Utah in SURDS files. Report student as in-state in SURDS files.

(3) U.S. Armed Forces and Their Dependents. C.R.S. 23 7 103(1)(c)(I) and (II) allows U.S. military personnel and dependents to be granted in-state tuition status, prior to having been domiciled in Colorado for twelve continuous months, upon moving to Colorado on a permanent change-of-station basis, for courses that are not taken on military bases. Credits generated in off-base courses may be reported for FTE general fund support, but these credit hours must be separately identified in the End of Year FTE Report. Report student as in-state in SURDS files.

(4) Canadian Military Personnel and Their Dependents. C.R.S. 23-7-106 provides that any member of the military forces of Canada stationed in Colorado, or the dependent of any such member, shall receive in-state tuition status at any institution of higher education in this state. No member of the Canadian military shall be deemed to be stationed in this state unless he maintains a full-time principal residence in this state. In- state tuition status for Canadian military personnel or their dependents shall terminate at the conclusion of the current quarter or semester upon transfer to any station outside this state. Report student as out-of-state in SURDS files.

(5) Olympic Training Center Athletes. C.R.S. 23-7-105 allows athletes living in Colorado Springs and training at the Olympic Training Center, or at a facility in Colorado Springs approved by the Olympic governing board to be considered in-state students for the purposes of assessing tuition and generating FTE reimbursable credits at any state-supported institution of higher education. Report student as in-state in SURDS files.

(6) Chinese and Russian students in Graduate Public Policy Programs. C.R.S. 23-7-107 allows students from The Commonwealth of Independent States (Russia) and the People's Republic of China in graduate public policy programs to be allowed to receive in-state tuition. However, these students may not be counted as resident students for any purpose other than tuition classification. Report student as out-of-state in SURDS files.

(7) WICHE Regional Graduate Program. C.R.S. 23-1-108(10) allows postgraduate or professional students participating in this program to be claimed by Colorado institutions as in-state students for the purposes of assessing tuition, enrollment reporting, and budgetary reporting. Report student as in-state in SURDS files.

(8) WICHE Undergraduate Exchange Program (WUE). Students participating in the WUE program are assessed 150% of the in-state tuition rate of the Colorado institution. The enrollment in the WICHE undergraduate program is not reportable for state general fund. Report student as in-state in SURDS files.

(9) Colorado Educational Exchange Program. C.R.S. 23 3.3-601 allows students to be reported as in-state students for the purposes of assessing tuition, enrollment reporting, and budgetary reporting. The institution must be approved by DHE to participate in the Colorado Educational Exchange Program. No student may be a recipient or participant for more than one year. Report student as in-state in SURDS files.

(A)No verification of lawful presence. Title 24-76.5-101-103; In-state resident charged out-of-state tuition based on no verification of lawful presence

(B) Economic Development. HB07-1256 Grants in-state status to employees and employee's children (NOT spouses) if employee moved to Colorado as the result of the employer's moving "all or a portion of its operations to Colorado as a result of receiving an incentive from the Colorado Office of Economic Development or an incentive from a local government economic incentive program. Effective August 8, 2007

(C) Faculty Dependent. HB07-1256 Grants in-state tuition to the child of a new faculty member (but NOT to the faculty member or spouse) at "a state-supported institution of higher education." Effective August 8, 2007

(D) Honorably Discharged Veterans. H.B. 09-1039; Beginning with the fall semester of FY 2009-10, this legislation requires that state institutions of higher education charge resident tuition rates to honorably discharged veterans. State institutions of higher education may also extend the resident rate to spouses and dependents of veterans.

(E) COF Affidavit. Beginning in Fall 2013, this code is for identifying students completing a COF Affidavit for the enrollment period. Report student as in-state tuition classification in SURDS files.

Missing Value: Blank not acceptable.

Edit Specs:

Error if value >2 for FY04; error if value >9 for FY05.

Race/ethnicity must be non-resident alien if tuition classification-detail = 1 and tuition classification = 1.
Error if tuition classification-detail greater than 0 (and not 8 or A) and tuition classification = 2 or 3.
Error if not in admitted status
Format: Alphanumeric, 1 place integer

Updated: Implemented, FY2004 (see code note above); WICHE exception (July08); CMU re-added to NM Reciprocity list after 6/7/12 CCHE Meeting. Added COF Affidavit (Oct13)

54/161 HEAR English

Definition: HEAR requires applicants that graduate from high school in 2008 and 2009 to meet the Phase One coursework requirements; and applicants that graduate from high school in 2010 and later meet Phase Two requirements. These coursework requirements are in place to ensure that admitted students are prepared to be successful in college.  This field specifically describes compliance with the English requirements.

Academic Area

2008/2009 Graduates

2010+ Graduates

English (2 years of Writing and/or Composition)

4 years

4 years

2008/09 requirements apply to data from summer 2008 through spring 2010
2010 requirements apply to data beginning in summer 2010

1 = Meets requirement
0 = Does not meet requirement

Missing Value: Blank acceptable if not accepted, not enrolled or HS graduate 2007 or earlier.

Edit Specs:  
Required only for four-year institutions
Error if not blank and not 1 or 0
Error if not 1 or 0 and admission status = 2 or 3 and Year HS Grad >= 2008 (if Year of HS Grad is unavailable, age 18 as of Sept 15, 2008)
Error if not 1 or 0 and transfer (Registration status = 3) and transfer credit hours < 30

Format: Alpha-Numeric, 1 place integer

Updates: New June 2008

55/162 HEAR Math (2008/9)

Field 55, Position 162

Definition: HEAR requires applicants that graduate from high school in 2008 and 2009 to meet the Phase One coursework requirements; and applicants that graduate from high school in 2010 and later meet Phase Two requirements. These coursework requirements are in place to ensure that admitted students are prepared to be successful in college.  This field specifically describes compliance with the Mathematics requirements.

Academic Area

2008/2009 Graduates

2010+ Graduates

Mathematics  (Must include Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II or equivalents)

3 years

See HEAR Math 2010 field

2008/09 requirements apply to data from summer 2008 through spring 2010
2010 requirements apply to data beginning in summer 2010

1 = Meets requirement
0 = Does not meet requirement

Missing Value: Blank acceptable if not accepted or enrolled, non-degree student or HS graduate 2007 or earlier.

Edit Specs:  
Required only for four-year institutions
Error if not blank and not 1 or 0
Error if not 1 or 0 and admission status = 2 or 3 and degree seeking and Year HS Grad > 2007
Error if not 1 or 0 and transfer (Registration status = 3) and transfer credit hours < 30

Format: Alpha-Numeric, 1 place integer

Updates: New June 2008

56/163 HEAR Science

Definition: HEAR requires applicants that graduate from high school in 2008 and 2009 to meet the Phase One coursework requirements; and applicants that graduate from high school in 2010 and later meet Phase Two requirements. These coursework requirements are in place to ensure that admitted students are prepared to be successful in college.  This field specifically describes compliance with the Physical Science requirements.

Academic Area

2008/2009 Graduates

2010+ Graduates

Natural/Physical Sciences (two units must be lab-based)

3 years

3 years

2008/09 requirements apply to data from summer 2008 through spring 2010
2010 requirements apply to data beginning in summer 2010

1 = Meets requirement
0 = Does not meet requirement

Missing Value: Blank acceptable if not accepted or enrolled, non-degree student or HS graduate 2007 or earlier.

Edit Specs:  
Required only for four-year institutions
Error if not blank and not 1 or 0
Error if not 1 or 0 and admission status = 2 or 3 and degree seeking and Year HS Grad > 2007
Error if not 1 or 0 and transfer (Registration status = 3) and transfer credit hours < 30

Format: Alpha-Numeric, 1 place integer

Updates: New June 2008

57/164 HEAR Social Sciences

Definition: HEAR requires applicants that graduate from high school in 2008 and 2009 to meet the Phase One coursework requirements; and applicants that graduate from high school in 2010 and later meet Phase Two requirements. These coursework requirements are in place to ensure that admitted students are prepared to be successful in college.  This field specifically describes compliance with the Social Sciences requirements.

Academic Area

2008/2009 Graduates

2010+ Graduates

Social Sciences (at least one unit of U.S. or world history)

3 years

3 years

2008/09 requirements apply to data from summer 2008 through spring 2010
2010 requirements apply to data beginning in summer 2010

1 = Meets requirement
0 = Does not meet requirement

Missing Value: Blank acceptable if not accepted or enrolled, non-degree student or HS graduate 2007 or earlier.

Edit Specs:  
Required only for four-year institutions
Error if not blank and not 1 or 0
Error if not 1 or 0 and admission status = 2 or 3 and degree seeking and Year HS Grad > 2007
Error if not 1 or 0 and transfer (Registration status = 3) and transfer credit hours < 30

Format: Alpha-Numeric, 1 place integer

Updates: New June 2008

58/165 HEAR Electives

Definition: HEAR requires applicants that graduate from high school in 2008 and 2009 to meet the Phase One coursework requirements; and applicants that graduate from high school in 2010 and later meet Phase Two requirements. These coursework requirements are in place to ensure that admitted students are prepared to be successful in college.  This field specifically describes compliance with the Academic Electives requirements.

Academic Area

2008/2009 Graduates

2010+ Graduates

Academic Electives

2 years


2008/09 requirements apply to data from summer 2008 through spring 2010
2010 requirements apply to data beginning in summer 2010

1 = Meets requirement
0 = Does not meet requirement

Missing Value: Blank acceptable if not accepted or enrolled, non-degree student or HS graduate 2007 or earlier.

Edit Specs:  
Required only for four-year institutions
Error if not blank and not 1 or 0
Error if not 1 or 0 and admission status = 2 or 3 and degree seeking and Year HS Grad > 2007
Error if not 1 or 0 and transfer (Registration status = 3) and transfer credit hours < 30

Format: Alpha-Numeric, 1 place integer

Updates: New June 2008

59/166 HEAR Math (2010)

Definition: HEAR requires applicants that graduate from high school in 2008 and 2009 to meet the Phase One coursework requirements; and applicants that graduate from high school in 2010 and later meet Phase Two requirements. These coursework requirements are in place to ensure that admitted students are prepared to be successful in college.  This field specifically describes compliance with the Mathematics requirements.

Academic Area

2010+ Graduates

Mathematics  (Must include Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II or equivalents)

4 years

2010 requirements apply to data beginning in summer 2010

1 = Meets requirement
0 = Does not meet requirement

Missing Value: Blank acceptable if not accepted or enrolled, non-degree student or HS graduate 2009 or earlier.

Edit Specs:  
Required only for four-year institutions
Error if not blank and not 1 or 0
Error if not 1 or 0 and admission status = 2 or 3 and degree seeking and Year HS Grad > 2009
Error if not 1 or 0 and transfer (Registration status = 3) and transfer credit hours < 30

Format: Alpha-Numeric, 1 place integer

Updates: New July 2008

60/167 HEAR Foreign Language (2010)

Definition: HEAR requires applicants that graduate from high school in 2008 and 2009 to meet the Phase One coursework requirements; and applicants that graduate from high school in 2010 and later meet Phase Two requirements. These coursework requirements are in place to ensure that admitted students are prepared to be successful in college.  This field specifically describes compliance with the Foreign Language requirements.

Academic Area

2010+ Graduates

Foreign Language

1 year

2010 requirements apply to data beginning in summer 2010

1 = Meets requirement
0 = Does not meet requirement

Missing Value: Blank acceptable if not accepted or enrolled, non-degree student or HS graduate 2009 or earlier.

Edit Specs:  
Required only for four-year institutions
Error if not blank and not 1 or 0
Error if not 1 or 0 and admission status = 2 or 3 and degree seeking and Year HS Grad > 2009
Error if not 1 or 0 and transfer (Registration status = 3) and transfer credit hours < 30

Format: Alpha-Numeric, 1 place integer

Updates: New July 2008

61/168 HEAR District Waiver

Definition: Per acceptance by the Department of Higher Education, the waiver request will specify that the school district cannot meet the requirements of the fourth year of mathematics, the one year of foreign language, or both and provide an explanation as to why the requirements can not be met. School district waivers will be effective for three years, until the graduating class of 2013. 

During the terms submitted between 2010 and 2013, if a student graduates from a high school in a “waiver” district, this data should be reported as described below.

1 = Student graduated from a high school in a district that requested a HEAR waiver
0 = Student is not from a district that requested a HEAR waiver

Missing Value: Blank acceptable if not accepted or enrolled, non-degree student or HS graduate 2009 or earlier.

Edit Specs:  
Required only for four-year institutions
Error if not blank and not 1 or 0
Error if not 1 or 0 and admission status = 2 or 3 and degree seeking and Year HS Grad > 2007
Error if not 1 or 0 and transfer (Registration status = 3) and transfer credit hours < 30
Error if 1 and High School Code is not invalid or complete (full high school code required)

Format: Alpha-Numeric, 1 place integer

Updates: New July 2008


Non-Resident Alien

Definition:A flag that indicates whether the student is not a citizen or national of the United States and who is in this country on a visa or temporary basis and does not have the right to remain indefinitely.  

Codes/Notes: This is a yes/no field signifying the selection of this category.  “1” specifies a “yes” response and “0” specifies a “no” response (or not completed)

Missing Value: Does not apply; field must be completed.

Edit Specs:
Error if blank
Error if not 1 or 0

Format: Numeric, 1 place integer

Updates: Added – December 2009, Required beginning in Summer 2010; Modified Nov 2012 to conform to IPEDS definitions. http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/glossary/?charindex=N


Ethnicity Hispanic/Latino

Definition: A flag that indicates whether a student specified this ethnicity as describing themselves.  This field will be available for Summer 2009 and is required beginning in Summer 2010.  If your institution populates this field in 2009, you must also populate the old format race/ethnicity field as well.

Codes/Notes: This is a yes/no field signifying the selection of ethnicity categories.  “1” specifies a “yes” response and “0” specifies a “no” response (or not completed)

Missing Value: Does not apply; field must be completed.

Edit Specs:
Error if blank
Error if not 1 or 0

Format: Numeric, 1 place integer

Updates: Added – December 2009;



Race Native American or Alaska Native

Definition: A flag that indicates whether a student specified this race as describing themselves.  This field will be available for Summer 2009 and is required beginning in Summer 2010.  If your institution populates this field in 2009, you must also populate the old format race/ethnicity field as well.

Codes/Notes: This is a yes/no field signifying the selection of race categories.  “1” specifies a “yes” response and “0” specifies a “no” response (or not completed)

Missing Value: Does not apply; field must be completed.

Edit Specs:
Error if blank
Error if not 1 or 0

Format: Numeric, 1 place integer

Updates: Added – December 2009;


Race Asian

Definition: A flag that indicates whether a student specified this race as describing themselves.  This field will be available for Summer 2009 and is required beginning in Summer 2010.  If your institution populates this field in 2009, you must also populate the old format race/ethnicity field as well.

Codes/Notes: This is a yes/no field signifying the selection of race categories.  “1” specifies a “yes” response and “0” specifies a “no” response (or not completed)

Missing Value: Does not apply; field must be completed.

Edit Specs:
Error if blank
Error if not 1 or 0

Format: Numeric, 1 place integer

Updates: Added – December 2009;


Race Black or African American

Definition: A flag that indicates whether a student specified this race as describing themselves.  This field will be available for Summer 2009 and is required beginning in Summer 2010.  If your institution populates this field in 2009, you must also populate the old format race/ethnicity field as well.

Codes/Notes: This is a yes/no field signifying the selection of race categories.  “1” specifies a “yes” response and “0” specifies a “no” response (or not completed)

Missing Value: Does not apply; field must be completed.

Edit Specs:
Error if blank
Error if not 1 or 0

Format: Numeric, 1 place integer

Updates: Added – December 2009;


Race Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

Definition: A flag that indicates whether a student specified this race as describing themselves.  This field will be available for Summer 2009 and is required beginning in Summer 2010.  If your institution populates this field in 2009, you must also populate the old format race/ethnicity field as well.

Codes/Notes: This is a yes/no field signifying the selection of race categories.  “1” specifies a “yes” response and “0” specifies a “no” response (or not completed)

Missing Value: Does not apply; field must be completed.

Edit Specs:
Error if blank
Error if not 1 or 0

Format: Numeric, 1 place integer

Updates: Added – December 2009;


Race White

Definition: A flag that indicates whether a student specified this race as describing themselves.  This field will be available for Summer 2009 and is required beginning in Summer 2010.  If your institution populates this field in 2009, you must also populate the old format race/ethnicity field as well.

Codes/Notes: This is a yes/no field signifying the selection of race categories.  “1” specifies a “yes” response and “0” specifies a “no” response (or not completed)

Missing Value: Does not apply; field must be completed.

Edit Specs:
Error if blank
Error if not 1 or 0

Format: Numeric, 1 place integer

Updates: Added – December 2009;

69/176 Institutional Assigned Student ID Number Definition: A number that uniquely identifies a student at an institution. This number is assigned by the institution and is typically used in place of the Social Security Number.

Note: Hyphens are not entered as part of the identification number.

Missing Value: Optional use determined by institution

Edit Specs: None

Format: Alphanumeric, 9-place character or less

Updates: July 2012 - New