DHE-SURDS 'Financial Aid File' Field Definitions |
Last Modified on August 29, 2012 |
Field # /Starting Position | Field Name | Field Definitions/Descriptions | ||||||
1/1 | RecordType | Definition: A flag that indicates which record type is being reported. Codes/Notes: 4 (Financial Aid file) Missing Value: Does not apply; field must be completed. Edit Specs: Code must be 4. Format: numeric, 1 place integer |
2/2 | Institution Code | Definition: The unique code designations for Colorado postsecondary institutions. Codes/Notes: The number assigned to each higher education institution identifying an institution with a 4-digit institutional code. See Institution Code in Glossary. Missing Value: Does not apply; field must be completed. Edit Specs: Error if a value is reported that is not the code assigned to the reporting institution. Format: AlphaNumeric, 4 characters Updates: July 1987 |
3/6 | Report Year | Definition: The enrollment period identified by the term and the year on which the data are based (TYYYY) Term (T): The term on which the data are based. Year (YYYY): The year in which the term occurs. When the term code is "9" which signifies the total report year, use 4 digits of the fiscal year of the report period. The fiscal year is derived by the following. If the term is =3, the fiscal year is the same as the report year. If the term is =2, the fiscal year equals the report year + 1. If submitting a comma delimited file (CSV), Term and Year should be submitted as separate columns. |
4/11 | Student Identification Number | Definition: A number that uniquely identifies a student at an institution. Wherever possible, this should be the nine-digit social security number assigned to an individual under the Federal Insurance Contribution Act. Social Security rules currently exclude use of numbers that are < 000000100 or >= 800000000 CODES, CATEGORIES, AND COMMENTS: For the Financial Aid File, the student social security number is mandatory if need based or federal aid. If the Student Identification Number is assigned, the number should be used in all future reports by the institution for that student unless corrected or replaced by Social Security Number. Note: Use of an SSN is the only way DHE can track a student for retention and graduation analyses across institutions. If an individual's social security number is not available for use by an institution, the institution may report any student identification number up to 9 characters that is unique for that student. The institution also must report the Student Identification Type as “1,” indicating that this number is not a Social Security Number. NOTE: Hyphens are not entered as part of the identification number. Missing Value: Does not apply; field must be completed. Edit Specs: Error if blank. If Student Identification Type is 0 or blank, error if value contains alpha characters or the last 6 digits are all zeroes or is < 000000100 or >= 800000000—This edit to be implemented with submissions for FY04 and modified to 900000000+ (vs 800000000+) December 2011. Error if not unique per institution on all FA file. Financial Aid File. SSN’s are needed if recipent is getting need-based or federal aid. Institutional assigned numbers can not be used in this case. SSN’s are needed if recipent is getting need-based or federal aid. Institutional assigned numbers can not be used in this case. Format: AlphaNumeric, 9-place Updates: July 1988; edit specs modified July 2003; Dec 2011 - changed upper limit from 800000000; |
5/20 | Gender | Definition: The gender of the individual. Codes/Notes: 1 - Male 2 - Female Formerly identified as sex. Because IPEDS surveys do not provide an unknown gender option, DHE-generated IPEDS facsimiles are based on the following procedure, implemented March 2002 with the Fall 2001Enrollment File and FY2002 Degree File uploaded to NCES. Students whose ID ends with an even digit will be reported to NCES as male; students with an ID that ends with an odd number will be reported as female. Missing Value: Blank, if unknown. Edit Specs: Error if not blank or not = '1' or '2'. Format: Numeric, 1 place integer Updates: October 31, 1985; modified IPEDS proration methodology, March 2002. |
6/21 | Date of Birth | Definition: The date of birth as designated on the individual's legal birth registration or certificate. Codes/Notes: YYYYMMDD YYYY = four-digit year of birth MM = two-digit month of birth DD = two-digit day of birth This field is used to compute a student's age. The Commission computes a student's age for students enrolled in the summer and fall terms as of September 15, and for those enrolled in the winter and spring terms as of February 15. If the student is born on either September 15 or February 15, age is determined by subtracting the year of birth from the report year. Any birth dates before the 15th are calculated by subtracting the year of birth from the report year. Any birth dates after the 15th are calculated by subtracting the year of birth from the report year and then subtracting 1 from that difference. Missing Value: Blank, if unknown. Edit Specs: Error if computed age is negative or if >110 Warning, Financial Aid file, if computed age is < 16 or > 80. Error if combination of year, month and day is not a valid date. Format: Numeric, 8 place integer Updates: Expanded to four-digit format, year 2000 file conversions, September 1998; July 2006 age for warning; |
7/29 | Race/Ethnicity (Last year for this field, moving to new ethnicity format in FY10-11) |
Definition: The race/ethnic group to which an individual appears to belong, identifies with, or is regarded in the community as belonging. In addition, non-resident aliens, i.e., those members of the aforementioned groups who have not been admitted to the United States for permanent residence, should be separately identified as a sixth category; the non-resident aliens are not separately requested by racial/ethnic group.
THIS FIELD WILL BE PHASED OUT IN FALL 2010 - ONLY BLANKS WILL BE ACCEPTED Codes/Notes: 1 - Non-Resident Alien 2 - Black, non-Hispanic 3 - American Indian or Alaskan Native 4 - Asian or Pacific Islander 5 - Hispanic 6 - White, non-Hispanic Missing Value: Blank, if unknown. Edit Specs: Error if > 6. Format: Numeric, 1 place integer |
8/30 | Student Level | Definition: The level at which a student is classified during the term which is being reported, based upon the total credits obtained toward completion of a degree/certificate program. Codes/Notes: Students are classified as undergraduate or graduate based on the number of credits completed as of the beginning of the term. Within those categories, students can be classified as degree/certificate-seeking or non-degree seeking. See Glossary for description of each level. UNDERGRADUATE: Degree-Seeking 11 - First Year (freshman) 12 - Second Year (sophomore) 13 - Third Year (junior) 14 - Fourth Year & Beyond (senior) 15 - Unclassified 16 - Certificate with a Bachelor’s (Regis Univ only) Non-Degree-Seeking 19 - Non Degree-Seeking Undergraduate Students Without a Bachelor's Degree 20 - Non Degree-Seeking Undergraduate Students With a Bachelor's Degree GRADUATE: 31 - Master’s 33 - Specialist 34 - Certificate with a Master’s (Regis University only) 39 - Non-Degree-Seeking Graduate Students With a Bachelor's Degree--categorized by institution as a graduate student (can include post-baccalaureate students pursuing initial teacher licensure only) 52 - Doctoral - Research/Scholarship (New Dec 2009) 53 - Doctoral - Professional Practice (New Dec 2009) 54 - Doctoral - Other (New Dec 2009) (Explanation required) Students reported in the IPEDS Graduation Rate Survey and DHE’s Quality Indicator System cohorts must meet three criteria: be reported as first-time, full-time, and degree-seeking. - First-time is based on the Registration Status field and requires a code of 1. - Full-time classification is derived from the sum of three credit hour fields (resident instruction + ESP + other); vocational hours are included in RI or other credit hours) and the total must be at least 12 credit hours. - The degree-seeking criterion is based on the Student Level field and requires a student be reported with either code 11, 12, 13, 14, or 15, acknowledging college credit earned for work done during high school through concurrent enrollment and/or AP/IB. Students reported with a student level of 33 should be coded with a program type = 8. Codes 16 and 34 valid only for Enrollment and Financial Aid Files, not for Teacher Education File. Missing Value: Does not apply; field must be completed. Edit Specs: - Error if not a valid code; codes 16 and 34 valid only for Regis University’s Enrollment and Financial Aid Files.For 2 year programs, only 11, 12, 15, 19, and 20 are valid. - Error will be generated for code "54" as an explanation is required Format: Numeric, 2 place integer Updates: December 1989; removed code for Extended Studies Program, June 1991; added cumulative credit hour range verification with student level, June 1996; reconfigured structure, added codes 16, 20, 33, and 34, and deleted codes 35 and 36, July 2002; Dec 2009 replaced code 21, 32 with 52,53,54; |
9/32 | Tuition Classification | Definition: Classification of student for the purpose of tuition assessment. Institutions must be in compliance with DHE’s FTE Reporting Guidelines and Procedures implemented for FY2003.
In State: Student determined to be in state for public tuition purposes according to Title 23 7 102 (5), C.R.S. Out of State: Student determined to be out of state for public tuition purposes according to Title 23 7 102 (5), C.R.S. Codes/Notes: 1 - In-state-Colorado resident 2 - Out-of-State 3 - Unclassified--allowable only for students enrolled exclusively cash-funded courses. Use this value only when in- or out-of-state residency is not available. Students enrolled in state-funded extended campus courses should have a tuition classification of 1 or 2 Special treatment of out-of-state student groups as provided for by Colorado statutes: DHE-Approved Reciprocity Agreements. C.R.S. 23 1 112 allows students participating in this program to be claimed by Colorado institutions for state general fund, up to the maximum number of FTE allocated to the institution by DHE. Colorado has approved reciprocity agreements with New Mexico and Utah in SURDS files. Report student as in-state in SURDS files. U.S. Armed Forces and Their Dependents. C.R.S. 23 7 103(1)(c)(I) and (II) allows U.S. military personnel and dependents to be granted in-state tuition status, prior to having been domiciled in Colorado for twelve continuous months, upon moving to Colorado on a permanent change-of-station basis, for courses that are not taken on military bases. Credits generated in off-base courses may be reported for FTE general fund support, but these credit hours must be separately identified in the End of Year FTE Report. Report student as in-state in SURDS files. Canadian Military Personnel and Their Dependents. C.R.S. 23-7-106 provides that any member of the military forces of Canada stationed in Colorado, or the dependent of any such member, shall receive in-state tuition status at any institution of higher education in this state. No member of the Canadian military shall be deemed to be stationed in this state unless he maintains a full-time principal residence in this state. In- state tuition status for Canadian military personnel or their dependents shall terminate at the conclusion of the current quarter or semester upon transfer to any station outside this state. Report student as out-of-state in SURDS files. Olympic Training Center Athletes. C.R.S. 23-7-105 allows athletes living in Colorado Springs and training at the Olympic Training Center, or at a facility in Colorado Springs approved by the Olympic governing board to be considered in-state students for the purposes of assessing tuition and generating FTE reimbursable credits at any state-supported institution of higher education. Report student as in-state in SURDS files. Chinese and Russian students in Graduate Public Policy Programs. C.R.S. 23-7-107 allows students from The Commonwealth of Independent States (Russia) and the People's Republic of China in graduate public policy programs to be allowed to receive in-state tuition. However, these students may not be counted as resident students for any purpose other than tuition classification. Report student as in-state in SURDS files. WICHE Regional Graduate Program. C.R.S. 23-1-108(10) allows postgraduate or professional students participating in this program to be claimed by Colorado institutions as in-state students for the purposes of assessing tuition, enrollment reporting, and budgetary reporting. Report student as in-state in SURDS files. WICHE Undergraduate Exchange Program (WUE). Students participating in the WUE program are assessed 150% of the in-state tuition rate of the Colorado institution. The enrollment in the WICHE undergraduate program is not reportable for state general fund. Report student as in-state in SURDS files. Colorado Educational Exchange Program. C.R.S. 23 3.3-601 allows students to be reported as in-state students for the purposes of assessing tuition, enrollment reporting, and budgetary reporting. The institution must be approved by DHE to participate in the Colorado Educational Exchange Program. No student may be a recipient or participant for more than one year. Report student as in-state in SURDS files. Missing Value: Does not apply; field must be completed. |
10/33 | Enrollment Classification | Definition: The code which indicates the enrollment classification based on credit/clock hour standards for financial aid. Students awarded aid based on different levels of enrollment within the same year should be coded at the highest level at which they were enrolled. Codes/Notes: 1 - Full Time 2 - Half Time 3 - Less Than Half Time 4 - Not Enrolled 5 - Withdrawn after FA disbursement Missing Value: None; field must be completed. Edit Specs: Error if not a valid code Error if = 4 and has any award Format: Numeric, 1 place integer |
11/34 | Dependency Status | Definition: The classification of a student for the purpose of financial aid determination as either: Independent: those students who meet the requirements for self supporting or "independent" status as defined in regulations and policy governing the Federal campus based financial aid programs. Dependent: those students who do not qualify as an independent. Codes/Notes: 1 Dependent 2 Independent 0 – Unknown Missing Value: Does not apply; field must be completed. Edit Specs: Error if dependency status = '1' or '2' and FAFSA flag <> 1. Error if dependency status not a valid code. Format: Numeric, 1 place integer |
12/35 | Enrollment Duration | Definition: Number of months enrolled upon which financial aid was disbursed during current report year. Codes/Notes: 01-12 No. of Months 00 - If Enrollment Classification is "4 Not Enrolled." For institutions on semesters: 05 = 1 semester 09 = 2 semesters 03 = Summer (any session or multiple sessions) 12 = 2 semesters + summer 08 = 1 semester + summer For institutions on quarters: 03 = each session 06 = 2 sessions 09 = 3 sessions 12 = 4 sessions Missing Value: None; field must be completed. Edit Specs: Error if not a valid code Error if blank Error if Enrollment Duration = 00 and Enrollment Classification <> 4 and paid aid Format: Alpha Numeric, 2 place char |
13/37 | Adjusted Gross Income | Definition: The total annual adjusted gross income (AGI) for a student and a student's parents if a student is classified as 'Dependent', or total annual adjusted gross income for a student and spouse if that student is classified as 'Independent'. Code/Notes: Dollar amount. Report data for one year only. Use base year, projected year or academic year (in the case of Professional Judgment) income that was used to compute the EFC upon which aid eligibility was based. Missing Value: Blank if unknown. Edit Specs: Error if blank and and FAFSA flag = 1 Format: Alpha Numeric, 6 place integer |
14/43 | Student Identification Number Type | Definition: The indicator to classify the Student Identification Number as believed to be either a social security number or a institutional-assigned identification number. Code/Notes: 0 – Indicates that the Student Identification Number is believed to be a social security number 1 – Indicates that the Student Identification Number is NOT a social security number. Missing Value: Blank Not acceptable Edit Specs:Must be "0" or "1" Format: Numeric, 1 place; Error if blank Updates: Implemented, FY2004 |
15/44 | Cost of Attendance – Financial Aid Period | Definition: The actual institutional budget amount used when determining student's need. The Cost of Attendance must use DHE Student Budget Parameters unless different budget element(s) is approved by the Commission staff. (The Cost of Attendance reflects only the Financial Aid period.) Codes/Notes: Include any special costs allowed, based on DHE guidelines. This amount must correlate to financial aid duration reported. Maximum duration is one 12 month budget period. Budget will include academic year budget plus summer, if applicable. Dollar Amount. Any term during the school year for which a student received aid based on a valid FAFSA. Financial Aid Period: Any term during the fiscal year for which the student received some kind of financial aid based on a valid FAFSA. An institution participating as a federal experimental site may exclude using loan fees in determination of COA. Missing Value: Zeros if not applicable. Edit Specs: Error if value is blank Error if value not zero , and < 0 or > 99999 Error if value is zero , and FAFSA = 1 and enrollment duration > 0 and received state or federal aid except for work-study without regard for need If FAFSA flag equals 2, the field is not required and should be zero Format: AlphaNumeric, 6 place integer |
16/50 | Expected Family Contribution for financial aid period | Definition: Expected Family Contribution used to determine the student’s financial need and ties to the student’s reported enrollment duration for which they received financial aid. This number may not necessarily be the nine month EFC as reported on the FAFSA. Codes/Notes: EFC must be determined using the approved federal methodology. Required from any student that received need based financial aid based on a submitted FAFSA, optional from all other applicants. Missing Value: Blank if unknown. Edit Specs: Error if blank and received Colorado Student Grant Error if value is blank and FAFSA flag = 1 Error if value not blank and < 0 or > 999999 Format: Alpha Numeric, 6 place integer Example: $1,000 Submit as: 001000 Example: $0 Submit as: 000000 |
17/56 | FEDERAL PELL | Definition: The dollar amount of a Federal Pell Grant paid to a student. Updates: FY2011-$10,800; FY2010 -$10,800; |
18/61 | Federal SEOG | Definition: The dollar amount of the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant paid to the student. Codes/Notes: Cannot exceed $4,000. Missing Value: Zero if not applicable Edit Specs: Error if blank. Error if value not blank and <0 or > 4000 Error if SEOG > 0 and recipient is non resident alien (ethnicity=1) Format: Alpha Numeric, 5 place integer Example: $1,000 Submit as: 01000 Example: $0 Submit as: 00000 |
19/66 | Federal Work Study | Definition: The gross compensation earned by a student in the Federal College Work Study program. Codes/Notes: Include total wages, which includes any matching money provided by employer or institution. Gross compensation is the amount earned before taxes and other withholdings are taken out. Missing Value: Zero if not applicable Edit Specs: Error if blank Error if value not blank and < 0 or > 99999 Error if Federal Work Study > 0 and recipient is non resident alien. (ethnicity=1) Format: Alpha Numeric, 5 place integer Example: $1,000 Submit as: 01000 Example: $0 Submit as: 00000 Updates: February, 2004 |
20/71 | Federal Perkins Loan | Definition: : The dollar amount of the Federal Perkins Student Loan paid to a student. Codes/Notes: Loan limits are determined by student level. Missing Value: Zero if not applicable. Edit Specs: Error if blank Error if value not blank and < 0 or > 99999 Error if value exceeds current specified loan limits. Error if Perkins > 0 and recipient is non resident alien (ethnicity=1) Format: Alpha Numeric, 5 place integer Example: $1,000 Submit as: 01000 Example: $0 Submit as: 00000 |
21/76 | Other Federal Grants and Scholarships | Definition: The amount of aid received from federal sources excluding Title IV. Updates; June 2011 added College Access Challenge Grant |
22/81 | CLEAP | Definition: The disbursed dollar amount of the Colorado Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership program that includes federal and state funds. *** Ended in FY2011 Codes/Notes: Need based. Following errors applied prior to FY2012 |
23/86 | Colorado Student Grant | Definition: The paid amount of need based Colorado Student Grant Award. Codes/Notes: Must not exceed $5,000. Must be undergraduate student. Must be Colorado resident student for tuition purposes. Award Limitations:
Missing Value: Zero if not applicable. Edit Specs: Error if blank Error if value < 0 or > 5000. Error if out-of-state student or graduate student (student level >19 or tuition classification <>1 Error if > 0 and non-resident alien (ethnicity = 1) Error if > maximum for each level. Exception if >150% of Pell Eligibility based on Nine Month EFC instead of financial aid period Exception if grant is < minimum prorated for enrollment duration or to meet remainder of need For Year 2006, 150% Need-Based Limit = 5775 Format: Numeric, 5 place integer Example: $1,000 Submit as: 01000 Example: $0 Submit as: 00000 Updates: February, 2004 |
24/91 | Colorado Work Study – Need-based | Definition: The gross compensation earned in the Colorado Need-based Work Study Program. Codes/Notes: Include total wages, which include any matching money provided by the employer. Gross compensation included is the amount earned before taxes and other withholdings are taken out. Missing Value: Zero if not applicable. Edit Specs: Error if blank Error if < 0 or > 99999. Error if out-of-state (Tuition classification <>1) Error if graduate student (Student level > 19) Error if Colorado Work Study > 0 and non-resident alien (ethnicity=1) Error if > $300 overaward as a result of need-based work study award Format: Alpha Numeric, 5 place integer Example: $1,000 Submit as: 01000 Example: $0 Submit as: 00000 Updates: February, 2004 |
25/96 | Colorado Undergraduate Merit | Definition: The paid dollar amount of the Colorado Undergraduate Merit Award. THIS FIELD IS NO LONGER COLLECTED, LAST YEAR FY2008-09 Codes/Notes: Missing Value: Zero if not applicable. |
26/101 | Colorado Graduate Need-Based Grant | Definition: The disbursed dollar amount of the Colorado Graduate Need-Based Grant Award. Codes/Notes: Award may not exceed $5,000 Must be a graduate student who is a Colorado resident for tuition purposes Must be enrolled at least half-time as defined by DHE Award Limitations:
Missing Value: Zero if not applicable. Edit Specs: Error if blank Error if value < 0 or > 5000. Error if Graduate Grant > 0 and student level < 20 and > 0; or outofstate. Error if Graduate Grant > 0 and tuition classification code is not equal 1 Error if Graduate Grant > 0 and Ethnicity = 1 (non-resident Alien) Error if Graduate Grant > 0 And Enrollment Classification = 3 Error if less Graduate Grant is less than minimum unless prorated for enrollment duration – FA period Format: Alpha Numeric, 5 place integer Example: $1,000 Submit as: 01000 Example: $0 Submit as: 00000 Updates: February, 2004 |
27/106 | Colorado Graduate Merit Grant | Definition: The disbursed dollar amount of the Colorado Graduate Merit Award. THIS FIELD IS NO LONGER COLLECTED, LAST YEAR FY2004-05 |
28/111 | Non-Taxable Income | Definition: The total annual non-taxable income for a student and a student's parents if a student is classified as 'Dependent', or total annual non-taxable income for a student and spouse if that student is classified as 'Independent'. Codes/Notes: Dollar amount. Report data for one year only. Use base year, projected year or academic year (in the case of Professional Judgment) income that was used to compute the EFC upon which aid eligibility was based. Special Condition: a student enrolled during the academic year and summer school may have awards based on different income amounts; use the income on which academic year awards were based. Income consists of non-taxed income. Missing Value: Blank if not applicable. Edit Specs: Error if blank/zero and recipient of need based aid or FAFSA flag =1. Error if 000000 and FASFA flag = 2 Format: AlphaNumeric, 6 place integer Example: $1,000 Submit as: 001000 Example: $0 Submit as: 000000 |
29/117 | Colorado Categorical Grant | Definition: The disbursed dollar amount of a Colorado Categorical Grant award. Codes/Notes: Used for state categorical programs:
Edit Specs: Error if blank Error if exceeds Cost of Attendance Error if Colorado Categorical Grant > 0 and Ethnicity = 1 (non-resident Alien) Format: Alpha Numeric, 5 place integer Example: $1,000 Submit as: 01000 Example: $0 Submit as: 00000 |
30/122 | Institutional Award of Outside Funds | Definition: : The dollar amount paid from institutionally controlled gift funds, i.e. the funds are received from other than state or federal sources, and the recipients are chosen by the school. THIS FIELD IS NO LONGER COLLECTED, LAST YEAR FY2004-05
Missing Value: Zero if not applicable. Edit Specs: Error if blank or < 0 or > 99999. Format: Alpha Numeric, 5 place integer Example: $1,000 Submit as: 01000 Example: $0 Submit as: 00000 Updates: February, 2004 |
31/127 | Institutional- Need-Based Awards (for academic year 2006) | Definition: An award that was paid to the student from institutional funds where financial need is either the only component or the primary component used to determine the recipient. Codes/Notes: Awards to be included are those funds awarded based solely on financial need, as well as funds where need is at least one component that must be met (e.g. A student must have need, but must also demonstrate a minimum GPA). Note: When designating an award for this field, institutions should look at how the institution designates eligibility for the fund, not the individual student's eligibility. Awards that are made based solely on merit or talent, but actually satisfy need for a particular student who happens to be needy, should not be included (but should be put in the Institutional Merit Funds field). Note: Required for academic year 2006 Missing Value: Zero if not applicable Edit Specs: Error if blank Format: Alpha Numeric, 5 place integer Example: $1,000 Submit as: 01000 Example: $0 Submit as: 00000 Updates: May, 2006; February, 2004 |
32/132 | Institutional - Merit Funds (for academic year 2006) | Definition: An award that was paid to the student from institutional funds without ANY regard for financial need when determining the recipient. Codes/Notes: Information is requested on institutional aid funds that are awarded only on merit. Examples would be athletic or music scholarship, which are awarded based solely on talent. Awards that are made based solely on merit or talent, but actually satisfy need for a particular student who happens to be needy, should be included in this category. Note: Required for academic year 2006 Missing Data: Zero if not applicable Edit Specs: Error if blank Format: Alpha Numeric, 5 place integer Example: $1,000 Submit as: 01000 Example: $0 Submit as: 00000 Updates: May, 2006; February, 2004 |
33/137 | Other Scholarship | Definition: The dollar amount paid to a student from a source other than Federal, State, or institutional foundation funds and for whom the institution does not select the recipient. |
34/142 | Federal Stafford Loans-Subsidized | Definition: Gross amount of Federal Stafford Subsidized loans (both FFELP and Direct Loans) paid. Codes/Notes: Include the gross amount of the loan, not the amount disbursed after fees are deducted. Report loan in the year for which it was awarded, regardless of the year in which it was actually disbursed. Missing Value: Zero if not applicable. Edit Specs: Error if blank Error if value exceeds current specified loan limits. Error if Federal Stafford Subsidized loan > 0 and ethnicity = 1 (non-resident alien) Error if federal Stafford Unsubsidized loan > Stafford graduate limit and Student level > 20 Freshman Limit = 3,500 (student level 11) Sophomore Limit = 4,500 (student level 12) Junior/Senior limit = 5,500 (student level 13 or 14) Graduate limit = 8,500 (studentlevel > 20) Format: AlphaNumeric, 5 place integer Example: $1,000 Submit as: 01000 Example: $0 Submit as: 00000 Updates: February, 2004; July 2007 - Updated limits; |
35/147 | Federal PLUS | Definition: Gross amount of Federal PLUS (Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students) paid. Codes/Notes: Include the gross amount of the loan, not the amount disbursed after fees are deducted. Missing Value: Zero if not applicable. Edit Specs: Error if blank Error if < 0 or > 99999. Error if Federal Plus > 0 and not undergraduate (student level > 20) Error if blank Format: AlphaNumeric, 5 place integer Example: $1,000 Submit as: 01000 Example: $0 Submit as: 00000 Updates: February, 2004 |
36/152 | Federal Stafford Loans – Unsubsidized | Definition: Gross amount of Federal Stafford Unsubsidized loans (both FFELP and Direct Loans) paid. Codes/Notes: Include the gross amount of the loan, not the amount disbursed after fees are deducted. Report loan in the year for which it was awarded, regardless of the year in which it was actually disbursed. Missing Value: Zero if not applicable. Edit Specs: Error if blank Error if not numeric characters Error if Federal Stafford Loans Unsubsidized > 0 and ethnicity = 1 (non-resident alien) Not used to calculate over award (updated for FY08-09) Freshman Limit = 9,500 (student level 11) Sophomore Limit = 10,500 (student level 12) Junior/Senior limit = 12,500 (studentlevel = 13,14) Graduate limit = 20,500 (studentlevel > 20) Format: AlphaNumeric, 5 place integer Example: $1,000 Submit as: 01000 Example: $0 Submit as: 00000 Updates: February, 2004; July 2007 - Updated limits;Removed; April 2009 - limited updated; |
37/157 | Federal Health Profession Loans | Definition: The dollar amount of a Health Professional loan. Codes/Notes: Missing Value: Zero if not applicable. Edit Specs: Error if blank Error if < 0 OR > 99999. Format: AlphaNumeric, 5 place integer Example: $1,000 Submit as: 01000 Example: $0 Submit as: 00000 Updates: February, 2004 |
38/162 | Other Loans | Definition: The dollar amount of other loans not reported in Other Federal Loans, Perkins, Stafford-Subsidized, Stafford –Unsubsidized or PLUS paid to students. Codes/Notes: Federal Heal Care provider loans, Alaska student loans and can include institutional long-term loans and alternative loans Missing Value: Zero if not applicable. Edit Specs: Error if blank Error if < 0 or > 99999. Format: AlphaNumeric, 5 place integer Example: $1,000 Submit as: 01000 Example: $0 Submit as: 00000 Updates: February, 2004 |
39/167 | Cost of Attendance –Nine Month Period | Definition: The Cost of Attendance-Nine Month Period reflects only the Budget Amounts for the nine month period comparable to the Nine Month EFC. The Cost of Attendance must use DHE Student Budget Parameters. Codes/Notes: Include any special costs allowed, based on DHE guidelines. This amount must correlate to the nine month EFC reported. Dollar amount. Note: For some institutions, loan fees are included in cost of attendance while other schools do not include these fees in cost of attendance. Missing Value: Zero if not applicable. If the student has an EFC and is enrolled (enrollment Duration <>4) must have a value in this field Edit Specs: Error if blank Error if < 0 or > 999999 Error if zero, and FAFSA = 1 and admitted (Enrollment Classification <> 4) If FAFSA flag = 2, the field is not required and should be set to zeros Format: AlphaNumeric, 6 place integer Example: $1,000 Submit as: 001000 Example: $0 Submit as: 000000 Updates: February, 2004 |
40/173 | Governor’s Opportunity Scholarship | Definition: The disbursed dollar amount of the Governor’s Opportunity Scholarship. THIS FIELD IS NO LONGER COLLECTED, LAST YEAR FY2011-12 |
41/178 | Household Size | Definition: The number of persons in the student's household. Codes/Notes: For the independent students report the size of the student household that was used to calculate the EFC that was used to determine the student’s eligibility for aid. For the dependent students, use the size of the parent household that was used to calculate the EFC. Reporting of this field required for students who complete a FAFSA. Missing Value: Blank not applicable (if no valid FAFSA) Edit Specs: Error if Household size blank or 0 and FAFSA flag = 1 Error if Household size = 0 Format: Alpha Numeric, 2 place integer Updates: February, 2004 |
42/180 | Number in College | Definition: The number of persons in the student's household that are in college. Codes/Notes: Report the number in college that was used to calculate the EFC that was used to determine the student’s eligibility for aid. Reporting of this field required. Missing Value: Blank if not applicable Edit Specs: Error if blank and submitted FAFSA(FAFSA not blank) Error if blank and enrollment classification <>4 Error if Number in College <= 0 and FAFSA Flag = 1 Format: Numeric, 2 place integer Updates: February, 2004 |
43/182 | SLEAP | Definition: The dollar amount of the Supplemental Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership (SLEAP) award paid to a student. Codes/Notes: Following errors applied prior to FY2012 |
44/187 | GPA of Merit Recipient | Definition: The cumulative grade point average (GPA) that was used to establish the eligibility of a Colorado Undergraduate Merit recipient. For a first time freshman, could be high school GPA. THIS FIELD IS NO LONGER COLLECTED, LAST YEAR FY2008-09 |
45/191 | Veterans Benefits (DELETED) |
Definition: |
46/196 | FAFSA Flag | Definition: Flag to indicate that a student submitted the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Codes/Notes: If a student submitted the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and has submitted an official EFC to the institution, report as ‘1’. Otherwise, report as ‘2’. Reporting of this field required, effective in fiscal year 2001. Missing Value: None; field must be completed. Edit Specs: Error if not a valid code Error if blank Error if student has: Colorado Student Grant or Colorado Graduate Need-Based Grant or Pell or SEOG or Stafford or Colorado Work Study Need-Based and FAFSA <> 1 Format: Numeric, 1 place integer Updates: February, 2004 |
47/197 | Expected Family Contribution for nine months. | Definition: Expected Family Contribution for nine months. Codes/Notes: The official nine month EFC used to determine the student’s financial need using federal methodology. Missing Value: Blank if unknown. Edit Specs: Error if value is blank and FAFSA flag = 1 Error if value not blank and < 0 or > 999999. Format: AlphaNumeric, 6 place integer Example: $1,000 Submit as: 001000 Example: $0 Submit as: 000000 Updates: February, 2004 |
48/203 | Colorado Work Study Without Regard for Need | Definition: The gross compensation earned in the Colorado Without Regard for Need Work Study Program. Codes/Notes: Include total wages, which includes any matching money provided by employer. Gross compensation is the amount earned before taxes and other withholdings are taken out. Wages will not be included in overaward calculations. Missing Value: Blank not applicable. Edit Specs: Error if blank Error if < 0 or > 99999 Error if non-resident alien(ethnicity = 1), out-of-state (tuition class = 2), or graduate student (student level >20). Format: AlphaNumeric, 5 place integer Example: $1,000 Submit as: 01000 Example: $0 Submit as: 00000 Updates: February, 2004 |
49/208 | Waiver Code #1 | Definition: Codes/Notes: 00 – Default, no waiver needed 01 – Change in program/student level during the award year Possible Errors: 902, 7903, 8204, 8604, 8704, 8804, 9903, 10707, 11204, 10403, 10406; 12502; 12602; 12702; View Errors 02 – Summer need calculation Possible Errors: 8605, 11104, 11301; View Errors 03 – Summer GOS Possible Errors: 10402; View Errors 04 – Resident in 2nd semester Possible Errors: 1002, 7903, 8703, 8803; View Errors 05 – Exchange Student Possible Errors: 802, 1002, 8803; View Errors 06 – Over award, aid not adjusted Possible Errors: 10002, 10004, 11301; View Errors 07 – Aid paid over two years Possible Errors: 8202, 9301, 9802, 10002, 10004, 11003, 11301; 12604; View Errors 08 – GOS Recipient & Non-Pell Recipient Possible Errors: 10404, 11301; View Errors 09 – SLEAP Recipient, Eligible for Pell, Graduate Student Possible Errors: 10707; View Errors 10 – Out-of-state student / In-state award recipient or Overaward (National Guard Tuition Assistance, DTAP (Dependent Tuition Assistance Program), Native American Tuition Waiver) Possible Errors: 1002, 11301; View Errors 11 – Unsub Stafford exceeds maximum for student level (Waiver for health program students at UCDHSC, CSU) Possible Errors: 10002, 10004; View Errors 12 – Graduate Student receiving Colorado Student Grant (CSG) Possible Errors: 8704; View Errors 13 – School of Mines, Institutional Need Based Aid awards, SB10-003 Possible Errors: 11301; View Errors Missing Value: None; field must be completed. Edit Specs: Must be a valid code If distinct code has already been used in a waiver column then it can’t be used again in same row of data. Format: AlphaNumeric, 2 place integer Updates: February, 2004; July 2005 (Added waivers 08,09);; August 2006 (Added waivers 10,11) |
50/210 | Waiver Code #2 | Definition: Codes/Notes: See Waiver Code #1 Missing Value: None; field must be completed. Edit Specs: Must be a valid code If distinct code has already been used in a waiver column then it can’t be used again in same row of data. Format: AlphaNumeric, 2 place integer Updates: February, 2004; July 2005 (Added waivers 08,09);; August 2006 (Added waivers 10,11) |
51/212 | Waiver Code #3 | Definition: Codes/Notes: See Waiver Code #1 Missing Value: None; field must be completed. Edit Specs: Must be a valid code If distinct code has already been used in a waiver column then it can’t be used again in same row of data. Format: AlphaNumeric, 2 place integer Updates: February, 2004; July 2005 (Added waivers 08,09);; August 2006 (Added waivers 10,11) |
52/214 | Waiver Code #4 | Definition: Codes/Notes: See Waiver Code #1 Missing Value: None; field must be completed. Edit Specs: Must be a valid code If distinct code has already been used in a waiver column then it can’t be used again in same row of data. Format: AlphaNumeric, 2 place integer Updates: February, 2004; July 2005 (Added waivers 08,09); August 2006 (Added waivers 10,11) |
53/216 | GearUp Scholarship | Definition: Scholarship for participants in the Colorado GearUp program. Codes/Notes: Eligible institutions:
Edit Specs:
Updates: Added - April, 2005 |
54/221 | Academic Competitiveness Grant | Definition: The dollar amount of the Academic Competitiveness Grant award paid to a student.
Missing Value: Zero if not applicable. Edit Specs:
55/226 | National Science & Mathematics Access to Retain Talent Grant (SMART) | Definition: The dollar amount of the SMART award paid to a student. Codes/Notes: ****Begins in FY 2007 ****Ended in FY 2011 An eligible student may receive a National SMART Grant of up to $4,000 for each of the third and fourth academic years of study. To be eligible for each academic year, a student must:
Missing Value: Zero if not applicable. Edit Specs:
56/231 | Colorado Pre-Collegiate Academic Competitiveness Grant Match | Definition: The dollar amount of the Pre-Collegiate Academic Competitiveness Grant award paid to a student. Following applied prior to FY2012:
57/236 | Graduate Federal PLUS | Definition: Gross amount of Graduate Federal PLUS paid. Codes/Notes: ****Begins in FY 2007 Include the gross amount of the loan, not the amount disbursed after fees are deducted. Missing Value: Zero if not applicable. Edit Specs:
58/241 | Colorado Teach Scholarship | Definition: The dollar amount of the Colorado Teach scholarship.
Colorado State University-Pueblo Format: AlphaNumeric, 5 place integer Example: $1,000 - Submit As: 01000 Example: $0 - Submit As: 00000 Updates: Added – November 2008; Aug 2009 Removed edit for graduate students; |
59/246 | Federal Teach Scholarship | Definition: The dollar amount of the Federal Teach Grant
Missing Value: Zero if not applicable.
Format: AlphaNumeric, 5 place integer Example: $1,000 - Submit As: 01000 Example: $0 - Submit As: 00000 Updates: Added – November 2008; |
Non-Resident Alien |
Definition:A flag that indicates whether the student is not a citizen or national of the United States and who is in this country on a visa or temporary basis and does not have the right to remain indefinitely. Codes/Notes: This is a yes/no field signifying the selection of this category. “1” specifies a “yes” response and “0” specifies a “no” response (or not completed) Updates: Added – December 2009, Required beginning in Summer 2010; Modified Nov 2012 to conform to IPEDS definitions. http://nces.ed.gov/ipeds/glossary/?charindex=N |
Ethnicity Hispanic/Latino |
Definition: A flag that indicates whether a student specified this ethnicity as describing themselves. This field will be available for Summer 2009 and is required beginning in Summer 2010. If your institution populates this field in 2009, you must also populate the old format race/ethnicity field as well. Updates: Added – December 2009; |
Race Native American or Alaska Native |
Definition: A flag that indicates whether a student specified this race as describing themselves. This field will be available for Summer 2009 and is required beginning in Summer 2010. If your institution populates this field in 2009, you must also populate the old format race/ethnicity field as well. Updates: Added – December 2009; |
Race Asian |
Definition: A flag that indicates whether a student specified this race as describing themselves. This field will be available for Summer 2009 and is required beginning in Summer 2010. If your institution populates this field in 2009, you must also populate the old format race/ethnicity field as well. Updates: Added – December 2009; |
Race Black or African American |
Definition: A flag that indicates whether a student specified this race as describing themselves. This field will be available for Summer 2009 and is required beginning in Summer 2010. If your institution populates this field in 2009, you must also populate the old format race/ethnicity field as well. Updates: Added – December 2009; |
Race Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander |
Definition: A flag that indicates whether a student specified this race as describing themselves. This field will be available for Summer 2009 and is required beginning in Summer 2010. If your institution populates this field in 2009, you must also populate the old format race/ethnicity field as well. Updates: Added – December 2009; |
Race White |
Definition: A flag that indicates whether a student specified this race as describing themselves. This field will be available for Summer 2009 and is required beginning in Summer 2010. If your institution populates this field in 2009, you must also populate the old format race/ethnicity field as well. Updates: Added – December 2009; |
67/258 | Institutional Assigned Student ID Number | Definition: A number that uniquely identifies a student at an institution. This number is assigned by the institution and is typically used in place of the Social Security Number. Note: Hyphens are not entered as part of the identification number. Missing Value: Optional use determined by institution Edit Specs: None Format: Alphanumeric, 9-place character or less Updates: July 2012 - New |