For more information when viewing error details, click on the "Definitions" heading over the fields listed. This will link directly to the file and field. This may help inform what is missing or incorrect.
Error Code |
Error Description & Explanation |
507 |
File contains a large number of non-SSN student identifiers |
Possible Cause: No SSN data was submitted on the file
Solution: Submit SSN as the studentid OR request override |
602 |
Gender invalid |
Possible Cause: Not meeting field definitions. 1, 2, or blank is valid. 0 is not valid.
Solution: Submit 1, 2, or blank |
901 |
Student Level invalid (and for UAF, is admitted) |
Possible Cause: Blanks or invalid values. Field is required.
Solution: Submit valid code - |
1101 |
Program Code, Program Sequence (if 4-year), Degree Level combination invalid |
Possible Cause: Program Sequence Number is blank or missing the leading zero. If “0” is on the file instead of “00” OR "1" instead of "01", it will cause an error.
Solution: Submit 2-character sequence number
Possible Cause: No list of approved degree programs for submitting institution. Check "Approved Degrees" link within SURDS to see programs.
Solution: Email list of degree programs to DHE. Please use this Excel template: Template
Possible Cause: CIP/Sequence/Degree Level combination not found matching approved degree program list.
Solution: Compare submitted CIP/Sequence/Degree Level to list found on "Approved Degrees" page in SURDS. EITHER modify file to match OR advise DHE on correcting the program in error. |
1102 |
Program Code is Null (Degree-Seeking) |
Possible Cause: Missing CIP (Program Code) on the file
Solution: Add CIP (Program Code) to the file and resubmit |
1301 |
Registration Status invalid (and for UAF, is admitted) |
Possible Cause:
Solution: Add CIP (Program Code) to the file and resubmit |
1401 |
State invalid |
Possible Cause: Missing leading zero in code.
Solution: Please make sure you are using the SURDS State ID found here: Colorado is code “06”
Possible Cause: Invalid code.
Solution: Please make sure you are using the SURDS State ID found here: Colorado is code “06” |
1605 |
Year of HS Grad is before Birth date |
Possible Cause: Year of High School graduation is equal or greater than Birth Year
Solution: Compare Year of High School Graduation submitted to the Date of Birth submitted. Correct and resubmit. |
1606 |
Year Of HS Grad indicates student graduated HS by age 10 or over 24 |
Possible Cause: Date of Birth indicates the student was out of the normal age range for a high school graduate.
Solution: Verify Date of Birth is correct. If correct, request overrrides from DHE. If not correct, fix the file and resubmit. |
2000 |
High School Code must be numeric |
Possible Cause: Characters or spaces in high school code. Full high school code should be 6-digits, with leading zeros if applicable.
Solution: The high school code should be the numeric ACT high school code. Those codes are listed here:
We also have a list of current and historical ACT high schools codes here: |
2002 |
High School Code with State portion = 06 (CO) must be valid ACT HS code |
Possible Cause: If full 6-digit high school code was submitted, but does not match current list of HS Codes at DHE. See high school list here:
Solution: Submit valid code on the list OR if you have the ACT Code for the school and it is not on the list, contact DHE to add this code to the list
Possible Cause: If 2-digit state code was submitted, it should be followed by 4 spaces
Solution: Add 4 spaces after the 2-digit state code. If problem persists after adding spaces, request overrides |
5001 |
Degree Level invalid (and for UAF, is admitted) |
Possible Cause: Invalid code
Solution: Submit valid code. List of degree level codes can be found here:
Possible Cause: Blank (no value) and student is a degree seeking student
Solution: Submit valid code. List of degree level codes can be found here: |
5902 |
Program Code 2 is the same as Program Code |
Possible Cause: Program Code 2 is for double majors and should not be the same CIP as Program Code.
Solution: If student has a double major, submit different CIP code for Program Code 2. If not a double major student, remove Program Code 2. |
6403 |
Term GPA = 0.00
Term GPA = 0.00 or Null (Number exceeds threshold for institution) |
Possible Cause: Missing leading zero in value.
Solution: Term GPA is 4-digits with an implied decimal (9V999). A 4.0 GPA should be submitted "4000" |
6505 |
Cumulative Credit Hours is either (<30 with student level 12) OR (<60 with Student Level 13) OR (<90 with Student Level 14)
Cumulative Credit Hours is either (>40 with student level 11) OR (>70 with Student Level 12) OR (>100 with Student Level 13) OR (>130 with Student Level 14) |
Possible Cause: Missing leading zero in value.
Solution: Cumulative Credit Hours is 4-digits with an implied decimal (999V9). A 30.0 credit hours should be submitted "0300"
Possible Cause: Value is submitted in correct 4-digit format, but hours are outside the acceptable range in the validation.
Solution: If data is verified as correct, request overrides |
13201 |
SASID Required |
Possible Cause: Missing value, blank submitted.
Solution: Add SASID to row and resubmit file. For private institutions, SASID is not required - Request overrides
16501 |
State (Current) is invalid |
Possible Cause: Missing leading zero in code.
Solution: Please make sure you are using the SURDS State ID found here: Colorado is code “06”
Possible Cause: Invalid code.
Solution: Please make sure you are using the SURDS State ID found here: Colorado is code “06” |